Monday, October 22, 2012

Abusive Relationships

One of the hardest things for any man or woman to admit is that they are in an abusive relationship. They think that others will think less of them for being in such a relationship, yet at the same time they are afraid to do anything about it because of the abuser. It's a horrible mental state to be in, and it leaves you feeling terrified and alone.
Abuse is most common with women. Yes their are men who are abuse by women, but I will get to that later. Women are abuse more than men because how we are viewed as the weaker sex. I'm not going to say that we are. However I will say that we are the more emotional, and therefore easier to manipulate... sorry girls.
In the beginning of the relationship the guy comes off as just the perfect man. He dresses well, he has that confidence that seeps from every pore, and he treats you well enough. You go to nice places, he buys you things, and he woo's you. (Woo is a bloody awful word..). It actually takes a while for him to start whatever form of abuse he uses, and you won't always catch on! It's may start as just a comment, or a small tap on the back of the head. He is testing to see what he can get away with. If she doesn't say anything or do anything about it, it just gets worse from their. Eventually, most likely a year or so into the relationship the woman is terrified and has no clue what happened or what to do.
So, what do you do? Honestly I have no idea. Yes I was in an abusive relationship for 2 years, but I was not the one who ended it. (He actually knocked up the 14 year old he was cheating on me with...). I know there are places like Harbor House, and I tried going to them or help.. I'm sorry but they didn't help at all. Maybe it was because I was young that the woman didn't think I needed help. Whatever the reason she was horribly rude and condescending. If you are looking to get out of an abusive relationship your best bet is to just go to your family and tell them what is going on.
Yes it will be difficult to admit everything, but you have to understand that you did nothing to deserve any of it. Your family will want to help and protect you in any way they can. The important thing is that you are going to have to learn to move on. Your not going to be able to trust men again for a long time, and depending on what happened you might possibly even be afraid to be around people. I'm not going to sit here and say once you leave life will be sunshine and rainbows.
It's taken me almost three years now to get my life back to a semi-normal state. I've finally found a good guy, and I'm even partially able to trust him. Things will get better, you just have to really work for it.
Now for the guys. I'm not sure how to talk about this one since I am a girl. I do have a guy friend who was abuse by a girl, and lemme just say... GIRLS ARE BITCHES! trust me DO NOT let us walk all over you because there is no going back from that. Once we are given the freedom to do whatever we want.. we will do whatever we want. End of story. Men you have been warned.
It's not just an adult thing too There are a lot of younger kids who are in abusive relationships. With the newer generation what you are seeing is a lot more peer pressure, and mental abuse. One partner wants to do... adult things 0.0 and the other does not. Please parents, don't think any less of your child if they come to you and say they have been abused. It can happen.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Ghost Hunters Supernatural and Halloween Horror Nights 22!!

Yes it is October so YES I am going to do the typical haunting and Halloween shtuffs.
I HAVE to put it out there that Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday, it's kjæresi's favorite holiday as well (hence the reason he is an actor at Halloween horror nights... figures huh?) I love the whole spooky supernatural everything. I love shows like The Walking Dead and even now I am watching up on season 3 of Ghost Hunters International. Another good show I HIGHLY recommend is a show called Destination Truth. That one deals more with cryptozoology than ghosts.
I do think that there is a chance for a zombie apocalypse. Seriously it is possible. You never know exactly what scientists are creating in there super secret underground laboratories.... Zombies... get with it ... yo
Yeah ok I'm to white to pull that off.
So Halloween Horror Nights 22 Time! I cannot include a lot of pictures because there are people in them that I have no clue if they wold be ok with me posting their faces. so yersh.. Oh and I will also not post a picture of kjæresi in costume. 1 because you can still tell it's him and 2... he kinda has a stalker >.<
So the last picture isn't of the actual event.... but me and my friend who I went with loved the view that we got so we took the picture.
My award for best house goes to....:
Sorry PJ!! (my friend that works in the gothic house) gothic is good visually but this one is not only visual but the actors were definitely doing their best! I actually got scared in this one. people coming up through the floors down from the ceilings and there is a bit in a greenhouse that i tried to run through because it was freaky!
The Walking Dead house was ok... more of a visual thing along with the Silent Hill house. More to appease the fan base than to actually scare.
Best music though I have to say goes to Alice Cooper!! The house is OBVIOUSLY there to promote his album -.- because all you hear in line is well... Alice Cooper. I shouldn't complain because I enjoy his stuff.
The House of Horrors I don't actually remember. Not sure if that is good or bad. It was the first house we did and we were the first people in the house itself so that's probably the reason.
The last one we did was Penn and Teller. I didn't really like this one. I can't use 3D glasses. Whenever I do I start to feel sick so I didn't get to use that effect in the house. Secondly Penn narrate the whole thing -.-. No offense dude but maybe if you shut up and just let the people walk through without telling them what everything is.
If you are one of the zombies outside of the walking dead house y'all could be a bit more.. zombie like. You didn't go after anyone. Y'all just kinda walked around grunting with your fake body parts. Vampire group you guys are awesome! (maybe I'm a little biased but hey... they were)
If you are in Orlando I suggest you go! Everyone has to do it at least once.
For you jesus people who think Halloween is a "devil" holiday.. Y'all can just suck it ^-^

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Being Sick and Hiddles

I would say that it has been a while, but it hasn't actually been that long.
I have been on and off sick for the past like... month xP. It sucks because everyone at work is sick and kjæresi's whole family has been sick for a while now (both of his parents are teachers... kids get sick they get sick they pass it on to everyone else.
I said I would post pictures of my Halloween Horror nights adventures and I will. I went once during the first week it opened, but it gets better as it goes on so ima go with kjæresi later on. Since he is one of the actors he doesn't actually get days off from the event =/ which really kinda sucks.
It is pretty good though. I don't actually get scared that easily. I go because I like the set designs and the costumes and all that. which are pretty good this year I must say. The silent hill house was very good visually. (The actors in the house don't do much though) The best house BY FAR is the Dead End house. I actually tensed up a little in that one xD
It also helps that one of the street groups consists of very nice looking... muscle-y man type peoples.... So yeah... That's a thing ;)
Let's see what else has happened?
I have become completely obsessed with The Walking Dead and Once Upon A Time. OMG two of the best shows evar!!! So good, and so bloody addicting. Unfortunately I'm only able to watch what is on Netflix. Amazing invention Netflix.. If they hadn't lost their starz contract it might be better -.- but still.
In super awesome fun time news I totally bought the Avengers, and let me say. I LOVE ME SOME HIDDLES
He embodies manliness
Those eyes... That hair. THE BRITISHNESS!!
I may or may not have a thing for British dudes. Hey kjæresi is Irish. We all have our weird things that we like. Mine happens to be slender, tall, awesome British guys..

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I Hate Rush Limbaugh

WEEHOOO a political posting! Not my favorite thing to do yet it appears I really like to tell people that I hate other people.
Why do I hate this man you may ask. It's simple.. Because he hates me. I really don't understand how that man can be so biased against women. It's actually quite sad.
It's 2012 you ass! Women have gained an equal standing, and yeah... we can vote and all that shit! I'm sorry that ruins your plans for a male dominated world... So FUCK THAT SHIT!
First of all he constantly talks about the sanctity of marriage. May I just point out that he is on his fourth wife. Is divorce considered "traditional" now? Sorry I must have missed that memo. When your getting married for monetary reason you have no right to hate on people who are getting married for love. The second you got that first divorce you lost all right to talk shit about the "sanctity of marriage".
Next is his rant on birth control: “...goes before a Congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex, what does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex. She’s having so much sex she can’t afford the contraception. She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex. What does that make us? We’re the pimps. The johns.”
Umm can I just point something out... You take birth control once a day. The amount you take has no correlation to the amount of sex you are having. AND I take birth control for actual health reason. I pass out from cramp pains. The birth control limits that so I can go on with my daily life. That has nothing to do with sex. It's not cheap either. I'm paying $90 a month for this stuff. So yeah it would be nice if it was covered by my insurance.
Think of it this way you close minded idiot. Say someone isn't taking birth control and now she has a bunch of kids that she can't afford, and now she is on government assistance for 18 years.. Compare the amount the tax payers would actually be paying long term douche. You can either pay for each kid she has because she can't afford the birth control, or you can pay for the birth control and she can actually have a chance at being a productive member of society.
Which seems like the better option?
Doesn't it seem a little wrong to you that men like him can marry over and over again without so much as a mark against their name, yet the second a young girl wants to have SAFE RESPONSIBLE SEX she is labeled as a slut?
And I'm sorry.. but the republican candidates at the time all seem to agree with him meagerly stating that they would have used different language. Sooo what instead of say slut you would have used whore?? Yeah I know you guys agree with what this misogynistic pig is saying but you can at least own up to it.. god damn!
I don't think she was "begging" the government to take care of her. If you are against the governments help then you should be against insurance covering all prescriptions. There is no difference between the two. If you are against insurance paying for one thing then you are against insurance paying for anything at all.
In his latest escapade Rush blamed feminists for men's decreasing penis size.. Now I don't know about the rest of you but I didn't know I had this power!! This could have come in handy a LOOONNNG time ago! The power to give a man a small penis! WOW Thank you Mr. Limbaugh for pointing out that I can apparently do this!
Look. Decreased penis size is due to the decrease in men's health. You are fat = you have small penis. you smoke = you have smaller penis. End of story! Oh and guess what Mr. Limbaugh? You are fat AND you smoke!! So your penis must not even exist!?!?! Maybe that's why you have such a thing against women and you have had so many wives. You are never able to please them so they all go running away.
Yes I am for women's equality. Isn't that obvious, but I'm not a hypocrite. I do not expect a man to take care of me. If he pays for me then I return the favor. I work hard and I understand men work just as hard. I don't hate men at all... I just hate this man. Ignorance is something that I cannot tolerate.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Weekend Update: Laundry Date

I seriously wish I could get Seth Myers to write these.... I really really do.. That blue eyed piece of man.
My weeks have gone by SUPER slow since all I do is go to work now. Kjæresi has started working Halloween Horror Nights so he sleeps during the days now. Fortunately he has the next few days off!! So we got to go out today.
I have to say one of my favorite restaurants ever has to be Uno's Chicago grill. 1.) I love anything Chicago 2.) I love their food 3.) the people there are soo nice!! I have never had a waitress/waiter that I didn't like there. That is something very rare. Even some of the "fancy" places I have gone the staff their are so snobby and uppity that I really just want to leave.
I highly suggest that you see if there is one around you, and try the rattlesnake pasta!!!! It's really spicy but SO GOOD!!
On the same note as foodz I have become a huge fan of kettle cooked chips and sweet potato chips. They are healthier for you and they taste alot better than regular chips. I can't stand the original Lays chips. I feel like my mouth is burning! Wayy to much salt. I feel gross and like a huge pig whenever I eat them. A note to those trying to lose weight.. stop eating regular chips. You don't have to give them up completely. Just eat better ones.
Hey I'm always excited when I find monies.
I hate having to use my debit/credit card to buy my lunch at work. It's has always seemed like a waste to me. I prefer using cash for such things. Also minor clothing purchases I will use cash. I feel more in control of my money. Credit card debt has never sounded fun to me, and I avoid it at all costs. I don't even have a bloody student loan!! (I could use one -.-)
More healthy crap!! I have started drinking the Sobe Life Water stuff. Much better than vitamin water. Don't get me wrong I do like some Vitamin water flavors.. they are just to watered down and don't have much of a taste. The Sobe stuff just tastes a lot better, and it's much better than the soda and energy drinks I always have.
The amount of sugar that is in those is CRAZY. No wonder I feel like I have been ballooning up! I don't like giving it up I friggin love caffeine... I would just rather not feel like a bloated walrus everyday ^^
I have even challenged kjæresi to become healthy. I have given him until December 1st to get healthy, and if he wins I promised to take him shopping for fancy man clothing (see man clothing post). He has always wanted to dress better so I am giving him an opportunity. No he isn't fat or any thing -.- he just likes to eat a shit ton of cereal at 2 AM. He gets tired super easily and always eats crap food. I am trying to change that.
What proves difficult is that we don't... really.. actually live together lol
So I can't really say what he eats and doesn't. They don't cook healthy stuff at his house, whereas I make a lot of things from scratch.. even most desserts. I make a mean baklava.
Keeping with the self improvement stuff I have started reading The Hobbit. I read the Lord of the Rings series but never The Hobbit. Since the movie is in the works I figured now is a good of time as any to read it.
Note: I am a nerd.. a real nerd... I can give you Deadpool's entire back story on cue.. as well as spiderman and batman.... fuck superman.. he's a whimp.
The second one is meh.. GO ZELDA.. technically it's link... but whatever!!
I am not a fake nerd chick. I know my shit without having to pose half nekid with some sort of plastic..
Only a few of my favorites (or the ones I left sitting beside my bed XD.. to lazy to go to le bookshelf)
And my dinky laptop that I absolutely love. TOSHIBA! go japan lol
Well I'm off to go finish my stupid laundry. I never go anywhere yet I have piles of clothes that need to be washed.... How the hell that happened I have no bloody clue.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Ladies.. Stop Dressing Like Skanks

*WARNING: cursing and mentioning of lady bits*
Ok ladies.. it's your turn!!
I already told the guys the things they can do by dressing well. This time though I have more experience.. because I am a girl >=]
I'm going to start out by saying that you don't have to dress like a skank to get a guys attention! It's a bloody miracle! When the guys on the street see more skin than your gyno then you look like a skank.
"But guys give me attention when I dress like that?!?!"
uhhh yeah.. because they think your easy. You wonder why they never call you back or treat you with respect? It's because you don't look like you want respect.
"Just because I dress like this it doesn't make me a slut"
-.- You don't want to be labeled a slut then don't wear the uniform! You don't see me walking around in a police officers uniform telling people "just because I'm wearing this it doesn't make me a police officer"
It's the same concept. You want respect then look like you deserve it. Yeah you have to earn that shit. It's not free.
If you talk to me looking like this anything you say will go in one ear, and out the other...
That doesn't say "I want a man to treat me right" that says " FREE VAGINA!!"
C'mon.. you can see they aren't wearing panties -.- nothing shouts I'm easy like short skirt and not undies, along with the belly shirts with spaghetti straps. This is not only a huge fashion nono, but a dissapointment to society. It is because of girls like you that the rest of us aren't going anywhere.
Most girls also have a "whore face". This refering to all the makeup that we put on before going out. We don't look like ourselves and therefore have a sense of false confidence. Like somehow the makup has given us fuckitall powers.
Learn yourself something:
This is not pretty. This is not deserving of attention. If I personally know you and see you looking like this I will punch you in the face.
So your all wondering what a respectful girl would look like. Examples:
See. Not bad at all.
Don't get me wrong I love me some shorts. They just don't have to be slutty.
If you want to earn the respect of men start looking like you want it. If you put true effort into it they will still pay attention to you, just a different kind. They will care what you have to say. They will rather go on a nice date with you rather than hit it and quit it. I pity girls who believe that they have to wear skimpy clothing to get a guys attention.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Very Fast Wekend Update!!

This is going to be another one of my terrible posts where I talk about random stuff that means nothing to anyone. ....
My favorite!!! :D
I have unfortunately had to deal with the hiring of another manager as my old one quit. Personally... I hate change. I hate people to begin with and now I have to deal with new people >=/
This is where I reveal what it is I do for a living.... I am a......
That is right. I groom dogs XD It makes sense as I hate people so much why not work with animals.
In which case want to know what $200 scissors look like...
Nothing spectacular really... just very very shiny, AND SHARP HOLY CRAP!! I sliced my finger open and didn't realize it.. at least the lack of pain was worth the 200 -.-
I hate spending that much money on something... I'm super friggin cheap! I guess when It comes down to it sometimes you have to spend money to make money.
I guess since I'm on a revealing note... here is what I look like REALLY look like:
Hehe you can't see meh >=]
So yeah.. stuff and things. Hopefully I should have an upcoming post about Halloween Horror nights. I got SUPER lucky that kjæresi is an actor for the event so I get to go like.. 5 times !!! I LOVED it last year, but I was only able to go one day and couldn't do everything there. LOVE YOU BABY<3 <3!
I absolutely love being scared. I find that weird, yet I still love it.
I leave you now with a picture of my puppy.. who rolled in the mud...

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Clothing Type Stuff

YAY so I'm finally posting all the sit I've bought... Ok so maybe there is more than this (I dropped $200 on a pair of scissors ><  I love my job I love my job)
I also get to reveal my FAVORITE clothing places of all times!!
1st clothing place is 
Freakin awesome clothing that fits my size which is rare!! Seriously some of their stuff can go pretty cheap especially during clearance times. Plus if you are a member they send you discount codes ALL THE TIME! Code + sale = SUPERAWESOMEMEGASHOPPING!
Moving on I also love to shop at *drum roll*
Yeah I know y'all are going to say I'm weird, just hear me out for a second. Target has some pretty nice shizz. I especially love some of their jeans and shorts. The pair of pants I'ma show you have got to be the most comfy jeans evar!
And the last place I love to shop is ebay... Facking love ebay.
Picture time (no I am not wearing anything.. I'm self conscious as FUCK!)




Target <3














Women Love A Well Dressed Man

This is going to be part 1 of a two part series. One will focus on the men and the other on the women. So let's get this shizz started!!
GUYS!!! Please pay attention to the next sentence: Women LOVE a well dressed man. Nothing will get you noticed more than nice looking clothing and a confident smile. When you wear T-shirts with cartoon characters that are sizes to small for you to a nice club or restaurant... YOU LOOK LIKE A BUMM!!!
Women don't want to be with a bumm!! We want to be with a guy that we can show off to our friends
 *andalltheotherjealousbitchesoutthere* ... :D
It's true. We want to be proud to show you off. It's hard to look confident with your choice in men when you look like you belong on the playground. Other guys will pick up on your girls lack of confidence in you and they will swarm. They will come up on her and they WILL look like a real man, and she WILL notice.
Now that your freaking out and looking at your closet like "oh shit!" this is what a man should look like:
(I personally like the second one on the right)
(pants are a bit weird)
(O.O.... I'd say yes.... oh hell yes!!)
See what you have the potential to do?! Look at what you could be!! Yes JGL is a sexy... sexy piece of man but part of the reason I like that picture is because of how good is looks. The smile on his face and the casual-ness of his clothing.
For better advice on wearing a suit click HERE
Advice on how to wear it is not my forte... as I'm a girl.... not a dude
Also some of my favorite stores for men:
You can even try stores like Marshals, Ross and TJ MaXX
So yeah
To finish off this is what you shouldn't look like:
(I love RB... but he looks like a bumm)
For any man that gets something out of this... Thank you, and your welcome

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Would it Kill You to Be Nice to People??

Today was a shitty day. I get chewed out at work for something that I have no control over to begin with. Then I get in trouble because my boss didn't fax something (because I'm apparently his secretary now?!). This got me thinking.... Can people not be nice to each other these days?
I've been observing people in general, in my social and work life, and I have seen that not a lot of people are nice to others. Is it frowned upon to do something nice for a random stranger? Do we distrust each other so much that we can't make eye contact and we have to shut the door in each others face?
 I don't think it's a good thing that people are rude these days. The general population seem to be more on edge and irritable. This results in higher stress, and higher suicide rates, and so many other horrible outcomes. The answer to this is so simple it's painful.
Think about it, If someone random came up to you and complimented you on something how would that make you feel? You would get a fuzzy feeling inside knowing that you impressed someone. That small event might make your entire day?!?!! You spent time in the morning to look nice and someone appreciated that. They made that time worth it. So why can't you give someone that feeling? If you compliment one person and they compliment someone and so on, think of how much of a difference you just made, by one small comment.
If someone held the door open for you (you say thank you) and they smiled and said your welcome... It would really brighten your mood almost instantly. You then repeat the process, holding the door open for a fellow human being making their day brighter. You never know whose life your going to effect. A simple smile could convince someone to not jump off that bridge.
This is a quote from a psychologist-y person about a man who did kill himself:
“I went to this guy’s apartment afterward with the assistant medical examiner ...The guy was in his thirties, lived alone, pretty bare apartment. He’d written a note and left it on his bureau. It said, ‘I’m going to walk to the bridge. If one person smiles at me on the way, I will not jump.’ ”
You could be that one person.
Here is a different situational thingy (words escape me at the moment).. the DMV. EVERY ONES favorite place! If the workers there would maybe greet you with a smile and be a little helpful wouldn't the experience be even a little better. When your at your work and you in a bad mood that puts off a vibe. Other people can feel that your not happy (some of us more than others) and that will effect how they feel. It is a vicious cycle and it sucks.
I try to make a point at work to smile when greeting people and to stay calm and try to help even if the bitch is screaming at me. I don't like pretending I shit rainbows and sparkles, but I know how something as simple as a smile can make another person feel. Try it... People will treat you different. Walk into a room and smile at people who meet your eye. the vibe in the room will change completely. (Note: does not work in emergency rooms.... or the DMV)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Do Nice Guys Finish Last?

This is something I hear ALL the time! Most of my friends being dudes they are constantly saying stupid little things like this. I would like to put an end to this phrase.
Let's first take a look at some Hollywood couples.
Notice that all of these couples have been together for a while (minus Will and Kate)
They are all of equal standards of looks and everything. So how did they do it. What makes them different from the rest of us.
They work out because they actually have things in common. Their personalities match. They aren't just together for the publicity or because they look good together. They actually enjoy being together.
Yes they are generally good looking and together, But that's because they aren't together BECAUSE they are good looking. They are together because they actually care about each other. A lot of guys try to get with girls because they are hot and that's it. They see a nice looking girl with her friends and they try to go for her. Here is the problem... She knows she is pretty. She knows it and she expects you to worship the ground she walks on.
When she denies you you sulk away and say nice guys finish last. Look... she is a self centered douche... so she is going to date a self centered douche. It is the same for girls too. All girls dream of dating the star football player. A lot of guys just think that they can get anyone they want. You aim to get these girls who are the exact opposite of who you are.
Some examples:

Ok so I do think that Katy and Russell were actually together because they liked each other... but their personalities just didn't match.
They were together just to be together. To live off of the others fame. It is the same for the rest of us. The chances of you finding someone you like in a bar or a club is slim. Yes you will find someone you will like to look and and would love to bang but that's it.
To not "finish last" you have to look for someone who actually shares common interests as you. Nice guys do not always finish last... your just looking for the wrong qualities. You can find some descent people who don't need to have surgery, wear 3 bras, and a pound of make-up to look pretty.
I know I'm not the best looking chick in the world... but I can feel confident walking out the door with no make-up and my hair not done and know I still look ok.
kjæresi tells me all the time that I look good no matter what. And you know what... He is with me not just because of that. Yes he first noticed me because he thought I was "cute", but after we started to get to know each other we found out that we are very similar. We have similar religious views, social views, and we have fun the same ways. I even love video-games!!!!!!
I bought him games for his birthday?!?! and I play with him!! What a concept right!! He is dating a girl who likes the same things that he does.
So guys.. Stop trying to go for girls that obviously don't want a guy. Girls that obviously think to much about themselves to even bother with someone like you. There are lots of us out there.. You will find a girl who will always think you first.