Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I Hate Rush Limbaugh

WEEHOOO a political posting! Not my favorite thing to do yet it appears I really like to tell people that I hate other people.
Why do I hate this man you may ask. It's simple.. Because he hates me. I really don't understand how that man can be so biased against women. It's actually quite sad.
It's 2012 you ass! Women have gained an equal standing, and yeah... we can vote and all that shit! I'm sorry that ruins your plans for a male dominated world... So FUCK THAT SHIT!
First of all he constantly talks about the sanctity of marriage. May I just point out that he is on his fourth wife. Is divorce considered "traditional" now? Sorry I must have missed that memo. When your getting married for monetary reason you have no right to hate on people who are getting married for love. The second you got that first divorce you lost all right to talk shit about the "sanctity of marriage".
Next is his rant on birth control: “...goes before a Congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex, what does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex. She’s having so much sex she can’t afford the contraception. She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex. What does that make us? We’re the pimps. The johns.”
Umm can I just point something out... You take birth control once a day. The amount you take has no correlation to the amount of sex you are having. AND I take birth control for actual health reason. I pass out from cramp pains. The birth control limits that so I can go on with my daily life. That has nothing to do with sex. It's not cheap either. I'm paying $90 a month for this stuff. So yeah it would be nice if it was covered by my insurance.
Think of it this way you close minded idiot. Say someone isn't taking birth control and now she has a bunch of kids that she can't afford, and now she is on government assistance for 18 years.. Compare the amount the tax payers would actually be paying long term douche. You can either pay for each kid she has because she can't afford the birth control, or you can pay for the birth control and she can actually have a chance at being a productive member of society.
Which seems like the better option?
Doesn't it seem a little wrong to you that men like him can marry over and over again without so much as a mark against their name, yet the second a young girl wants to have SAFE RESPONSIBLE SEX she is labeled as a slut?
And I'm sorry.. but the republican candidates at the time all seem to agree with him meagerly stating that they would have used different language. Sooo what instead of say slut you would have used whore?? Yeah I know you guys agree with what this misogynistic pig is saying but you can at least own up to it.. god damn!
I don't think she was "begging" the government to take care of her. If you are against the governments help then you should be against insurance covering all prescriptions. There is no difference between the two. If you are against insurance paying for one thing then you are against insurance paying for anything at all.
In his latest escapade Rush blamed feminists for men's decreasing penis size.. Now I don't know about the rest of you but I didn't know I had this power!! This could have come in handy a LOOONNNG time ago! The power to give a man a small penis! WOW Thank you Mr. Limbaugh for pointing out that I can apparently do this!
Look. Decreased penis size is due to the decrease in men's health. You are fat = you have small penis. you smoke = you have smaller penis. End of story! Oh and guess what Mr. Limbaugh? You are fat AND you smoke!! So your penis must not even exist!?!?! Maybe that's why you have such a thing against women and you have had so many wives. You are never able to please them so they all go running away.
Yes I am for women's equality. Isn't that obvious, but I'm not a hypocrite. I do not expect a man to take care of me. If he pays for me then I return the favor. I work hard and I understand men work just as hard. I don't hate men at all... I just hate this man. Ignorance is something that I cannot tolerate.

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