Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Women Love A Well Dressed Man

This is going to be part 1 of a two part series. One will focus on the men and the other on the women. So let's get this shizz started!!
GUYS!!! Please pay attention to the next sentence: Women LOVE a well dressed man. Nothing will get you noticed more than nice looking clothing and a confident smile. When you wear T-shirts with cartoon characters that are sizes to small for you to a nice club or restaurant... YOU LOOK LIKE A BUMM!!!
Women don't want to be with a bumm!! We want to be with a guy that we can show off to our friends
 *andalltheotherjealousbitchesoutthere* ... :D
It's true. We want to be proud to show you off. It's hard to look confident with your choice in men when you look like you belong on the playground. Other guys will pick up on your girls lack of confidence in you and they will swarm. They will come up on her and they WILL look like a real man, and she WILL notice.
Now that your freaking out and looking at your closet like "oh shit!" this is what a man should look like:
(I personally like the second one on the right)
(pants are a bit weird)
(O.O.... I'd say yes.... oh hell yes!!)
See what you have the potential to do?! Look at what you could be!! Yes JGL is a sexy... sexy piece of man but part of the reason I like that picture is because of how good is looks. The smile on his face and the casual-ness of his clothing.
For better advice on wearing a suit click HERE
Advice on how to wear it is not my forte... as I'm a girl.... not a dude
Also some of my favorite stores for men:
You can even try stores like Marshals, Ross and TJ MaXX
So yeah
To finish off this is what you shouldn't look like:
(I love RB... but he looks like a bumm)
For any man that gets something out of this... Thank you, and your welcome

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