Sunday, September 2, 2012

Do Nice Guys Finish Last?

This is something I hear ALL the time! Most of my friends being dudes they are constantly saying stupid little things like this. I would like to put an end to this phrase.
Let's first take a look at some Hollywood couples.
Notice that all of these couples have been together for a while (minus Will and Kate)
They are all of equal standards of looks and everything. So how did they do it. What makes them different from the rest of us.
They work out because they actually have things in common. Their personalities match. They aren't just together for the publicity or because they look good together. They actually enjoy being together.
Yes they are generally good looking and together, But that's because they aren't together BECAUSE they are good looking. They are together because they actually care about each other. A lot of guys try to get with girls because they are hot and that's it. They see a nice looking girl with her friends and they try to go for her. Here is the problem... She knows she is pretty. She knows it and she expects you to worship the ground she walks on.
When she denies you you sulk away and say nice guys finish last. Look... she is a self centered douche... so she is going to date a self centered douche. It is the same for girls too. All girls dream of dating the star football player. A lot of guys just think that they can get anyone they want. You aim to get these girls who are the exact opposite of who you are.
Some examples:

Ok so I do think that Katy and Russell were actually together because they liked each other... but their personalities just didn't match.
They were together just to be together. To live off of the others fame. It is the same for the rest of us. The chances of you finding someone you like in a bar or a club is slim. Yes you will find someone you will like to look and and would love to bang but that's it.
To not "finish last" you have to look for someone who actually shares common interests as you. Nice guys do not always finish last... your just looking for the wrong qualities. You can find some descent people who don't need to have surgery, wear 3 bras, and a pound of make-up to look pretty.
I know I'm not the best looking chick in the world... but I can feel confident walking out the door with no make-up and my hair not done and know I still look ok.
kjæresi tells me all the time that I look good no matter what. And you know what... He is with me not just because of that. Yes he first noticed me because he thought I was "cute", but after we started to get to know each other we found out that we are very similar. We have similar religious views, social views, and we have fun the same ways. I even love video-games!!!!!!
I bought him games for his birthday?!?! and I play with him!! What a concept right!! He is dating a girl who likes the same things that he does.
So guys.. Stop trying to go for girls that obviously don't want a guy. Girls that obviously think to much about themselves to even bother with someone like you. There are lots of us out there.. You will find a girl who will always think you first.

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