Thursday, September 6, 2012

Would it Kill You to Be Nice to People??

Today was a shitty day. I get chewed out at work for something that I have no control over to begin with. Then I get in trouble because my boss didn't fax something (because I'm apparently his secretary now?!). This got me thinking.... Can people not be nice to each other these days?
I've been observing people in general, in my social and work life, and I have seen that not a lot of people are nice to others. Is it frowned upon to do something nice for a random stranger? Do we distrust each other so much that we can't make eye contact and we have to shut the door in each others face?
 I don't think it's a good thing that people are rude these days. The general population seem to be more on edge and irritable. This results in higher stress, and higher suicide rates, and so many other horrible outcomes. The answer to this is so simple it's painful.
Think about it, If someone random came up to you and complimented you on something how would that make you feel? You would get a fuzzy feeling inside knowing that you impressed someone. That small event might make your entire day?!?!! You spent time in the morning to look nice and someone appreciated that. They made that time worth it. So why can't you give someone that feeling? If you compliment one person and they compliment someone and so on, think of how much of a difference you just made, by one small comment.
If someone held the door open for you (you say thank you) and they smiled and said your welcome... It would really brighten your mood almost instantly. You then repeat the process, holding the door open for a fellow human being making their day brighter. You never know whose life your going to effect. A simple smile could convince someone to not jump off that bridge.
This is a quote from a psychologist-y person about a man who did kill himself:
“I went to this guy’s apartment afterward with the assistant medical examiner ...The guy was in his thirties, lived alone, pretty bare apartment. He’d written a note and left it on his bureau. It said, ‘I’m going to walk to the bridge. If one person smiles at me on the way, I will not jump.’ ”
You could be that one person.
Here is a different situational thingy (words escape me at the moment).. the DMV. EVERY ONES favorite place! If the workers there would maybe greet you with a smile and be a little helpful wouldn't the experience be even a little better. When your at your work and you in a bad mood that puts off a vibe. Other people can feel that your not happy (some of us more than others) and that will effect how they feel. It is a vicious cycle and it sucks.
I try to make a point at work to smile when greeting people and to stay calm and try to help even if the bitch is screaming at me. I don't like pretending I shit rainbows and sparkles, but I know how something as simple as a smile can make another person feel. Try it... People will treat you different. Walk into a room and smile at people who meet your eye. the vibe in the room will change completely. (Note: does not work in emergency rooms.... or the DMV)

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