Thursday, August 23, 2012

What makes a girl pretty?

So I had a friend who liked THIS facebook page, and seriously... looking through the page it depresses me.
Starting when we get into the 6th grade girl are told to accept their bodies and that we are all beautiful blah blah blah. Then we have others telling us that we are only beautiful if we look like this:

How is anyone supposed to feel good about themselves when I can't even look away from how ridiculously ginormous her boobs are?!?!
It's no wonder more and more young girls are asking for plastic surgery. How is anyone supposed to compete with that!!
Before guys get all defensive yes it is a competition. If your out walking around and you see a normal girl , let's say a B-cup brown hair shorts and a t-shirt with minimal makeup and then you see this:
Who are you going to go talk to??
It's difficult to try and be yourself when no guy wants to talk to a girl who isn't going to put out in the first 10 seconds. Yeah... I just called the hoes out.
You don't walk around with your boobs showing because your looking for "respect". Your showing them off trying to get attention because your afraid that no guy will like you, and then you say that girls are just jealous of you. No we aren't jealous... we just hate you and everything you stand for.
It hurts me to admit that yeah I have (and still am) contemplation getting a boob job and other surgeries to look better. I don't feel comfortable walking outside. Girls are constantly judged, and it's a painfully obvious fact. I don't think plastic surgery is wrong at all. If you aren't happy with your body you have to option to change it. I don't think it's good for you to change your body because you want to make someone else happy.

I hate the fact that I'm terrified that one of these bimbos are going to try and get kjæresi. Which they do try to do to. EVEN WHEN I'M STANDING RIGHT NEXT TO HIM! -.-
Being pretty on the outside doesn't mean jackshit. To really be pretty it's on the outside AND on the inside. Sure you can look like the girls above and be a decent person, it's that the chances are that your just another hoe. If you don't want to be viewed as that then don't look like that.
Girls... seriously..... I'm not really even sure what to say. Be who you are, not who you think others want you to be. Yes guys want you to look like that because they was easy ass. Don't give them something that they want to throw away, give them something that they want to keep coming back to.
Don't worry about being "pretty" just be confident in who you are. If you don't like something change it. Don't look down on yourself because you want to change something. Just wait until your older (18+). No matter how much you argue at 15 you don't know what you want or who you are yet.
And guys...... Y'all are just man whores xD

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