Friday, August 17, 2012

High School: Welcome to the Worst Four Years of Your Life!

I'm not going to sugar coast this, not even a little. High school was the WORST four years of my life as well as many of my friends lives. EVERYONE is going to judge you from the second you walk in that door on that first day.

For the next four years of your life if you don't make friends on that first day you are forever alone my friend. All of those "friends" that you had in this retarded thing called middle school will abandon you without a second thought.

Yeah be paranoid! It might actually be better to be alone though. In my high school most of the girls who were considered the "cool" ones are now either grossly fat and have no future, had at least one kid before graduating, or didn't graduate at all.

All of those relationships in high school also don't matter. THEY WILL NOT LAST. I don't care how much you think you love them. People change after high school.. seriously. You will hate that person by the end of the summer.

High school does NOT prepare you for college... at least not in the state of Florida. Seriously my high school treated us like we were in kindergarten. When I got to college my teachers never talked to me, and they sure as hell did not let me turn things in late.

Seriously kids.. brace yourself. It's going to be a tough ride but hey.. I made it through alive. If my sorry ass can do it then I'm pretty sure that you can as well..

Maybe take up video games club or something... that's what I did. I even made a friend ^^

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