Monday, August 20, 2012

Pro-Choice vs. Pro-Life: Rape

**First I'm going to say that in this post I'm not going to take a side. That's not for you guys to know, that is MY personal life and choices. This post is solely to inform you guys on what is going on in this area.**

There are a TON of arguments for both sides of this issue. Some people say that some girl abuse the right to abort a pregnancy, and yes some of them do, and some people say that it should be an option for rape victims. Those extremists say that an abortion is murder ect..

I am talking about this because of a story that I heard about on one of the FOX news channels. It was an interview with Missouri congressman Todd Akin. He was talking about his firm stance of Pro-Life. In this interview he started talking about rape victims and something he said just.... didn't sit right with me.

"...women's bodies know if they are legitimate rape victims and automatically can just shut down a resulting unwanted pregnancy... so there's no nee to even discuss abortion in cases of rape..."

TA has also previously stated that some types of rape are more worthy of protections than others.

First of all... there is only one type of rape. If a man or woman as sex with someone against their consent then it is rape... end of story. There are not different kinds. NO. Rape is rape and the people who commit such a crime are monsters. How someone could even suggest that some rape victims don't need help is beyond me. The man even has daughters of his own!?!! and grandchildren!! sorry off topic here

(yes I am very anti-rape.. as well as every person should be)

Secondly the female reproductive system does not "shut down" if there is a "legitimate rape". That is a load of horse shit! Two authors from Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine in 2004 consulted with doctors, nurses, and others of the same professions helped disprove this.

It has been shown in cases that the female body will actually arouse itself as a defense mechanism against vaginal tearing. It doesn't shut down, it turns on to protect itself.  What Akin is trying to do is say that women who are raped by husbands or boyfriends are not "real rape victims". Date rape is a thing.. It does exist. Its called abuse asshole! and you are not helping these women at all. You should be trying to help them realize what is happening to them is wrong and they should seek help. Not tell them that they want it so it's not technically rape.


I'm not saying that rape victims should automatically abort a pregnancy. There are other options rather than just getting rid of the baby (so to speak)

I am pro-leave the issue the fuck alone. I don't think what is considered rape and not rape should be decided by a government. I think rape victims should have options. there are plenty of families out there who would like a child that can't have one for their own. I don't think that these women should be punished for something that they have no control over.

I cannot tell you when life truly begins. I am not a doctor nor a philosopher... That is not for me to decide. If I ever unfortunately have to make a choice like that because I was raped and ended up pregnant I would go for the adoption route.

I do not think that dumb little teenager who have sex at 14 and get knocked up should have the option of abortion. You decided you were old enough to have sex therefore you decided that you were old enough to have a baby. Deal with the consequences of your actions.

I don't think I really have a side to this. I do think abortions should have restrictions if they are allowed but if they are not then support needs to be provided to those victims of rape who end up pregnant.

But when you think about this issue. If you have a daughter or sister or mother ANY female in your life you care about, think about how you would feel if they got raped, and then told you they were pregnant. Think about what you would do just for a second. If you are a good person then you will at least consider how they feel. If you are a gaddamn Jesus nut I don't want to hear all "the power of Christ compels you!"

You are a close minded ass and you need to go away. Before you get all judgemental on me (which the bible tells you not to do BTW) yes i do believe in god but NO I am not super obsessed with the bible and all that. I have my beliefs you have yours.

Just as my stance on these issues will not be the same as every ones I can respect both sides of the argument.

Now I do know that Akins apologized... but he is ignorant.. and honestly... I don't think that he should be elected again.. EVER. Someone with that much lack of compassion should not have the power to govern a country... And I'm even (technically kinda sorta) a Republican. I lean more towards the republican side but I'm still open minded and can be liberal on some issues.

Stupid people are stupid...

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