Thursday, August 30, 2012

Random Post of Randomness

I'm super excited today so I felt the urge to write a post, yet I have no idea what to write about!!
Today ends the two weeks that I haven't seen kjæresi. Actually it's technically tomorrow since his flight lands at 12:30 a.m. but I'm going to the airport today so I'm counting it as today. As I am writing this it is 6 hours until I get to see him again. I can't even put into words how excited I am to see him again.
It's a weird feeling for me, actually caring this much about someone. I'm going to sound like a whore here, but I have dated quite a few people. Most of them are horrible people (not the present tense). One of whom should actually be in prison, so it's weird to actually have someone who wants to be with me for who I am. I love him so much.... More than anything actually.
Ok that might be a small lie. I love my DAD more than anything. Damn that sentence is going to be criticized... yes I love my mother as well... but only because she is my mother. We can be civil to each other, but we are to different to be called "friendly".
Back on track.. I LOVE YOU KJÆRESI!!!
This is the most happy I think I have been in a post... The next one.. or in a few I shall be a little more excited because I have finished receiving the last of my back-to-school items, so haul post!!!!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

What makes a girl pretty?

So I had a friend who liked THIS facebook page, and seriously... looking through the page it depresses me.
Starting when we get into the 6th grade girl are told to accept their bodies and that we are all beautiful blah blah blah. Then we have others telling us that we are only beautiful if we look like this:

How is anyone supposed to feel good about themselves when I can't even look away from how ridiculously ginormous her boobs are?!?!
It's no wonder more and more young girls are asking for plastic surgery. How is anyone supposed to compete with that!!
Before guys get all defensive yes it is a competition. If your out walking around and you see a normal girl , let's say a B-cup brown hair shorts and a t-shirt with minimal makeup and then you see this:
Who are you going to go talk to??
It's difficult to try and be yourself when no guy wants to talk to a girl who isn't going to put out in the first 10 seconds. Yeah... I just called the hoes out.
You don't walk around with your boobs showing because your looking for "respect". Your showing them off trying to get attention because your afraid that no guy will like you, and then you say that girls are just jealous of you. No we aren't jealous... we just hate you and everything you stand for.
It hurts me to admit that yeah I have (and still am) contemplation getting a boob job and other surgeries to look better. I don't feel comfortable walking outside. Girls are constantly judged, and it's a painfully obvious fact. I don't think plastic surgery is wrong at all. If you aren't happy with your body you have to option to change it. I don't think it's good for you to change your body because you want to make someone else happy.

I hate the fact that I'm terrified that one of these bimbos are going to try and get kjæresi. Which they do try to do to. EVEN WHEN I'M STANDING RIGHT NEXT TO HIM! -.-
Being pretty on the outside doesn't mean jackshit. To really be pretty it's on the outside AND on the inside. Sure you can look like the girls above and be a decent person, it's that the chances are that your just another hoe. If you don't want to be viewed as that then don't look like that.
Girls... seriously..... I'm not really even sure what to say. Be who you are, not who you think others want you to be. Yes guys want you to look like that because they was easy ass. Don't give them something that they want to throw away, give them something that they want to keep coming back to.
Don't worry about being "pretty" just be confident in who you are. If you don't like something change it. Don't look down on yourself because you want to change something. Just wait until your older (18+). No matter how much you argue at 15 you don't know what you want or who you are yet.
And guys...... Y'all are just man whores xD

Monday, August 20, 2012

Pro-Choice vs. Pro-Life: Rape

**First I'm going to say that in this post I'm not going to take a side. That's not for you guys to know, that is MY personal life and choices. This post is solely to inform you guys on what is going on in this area.**

There are a TON of arguments for both sides of this issue. Some people say that some girl abuse the right to abort a pregnancy, and yes some of them do, and some people say that it should be an option for rape victims. Those extremists say that an abortion is murder ect..

I am talking about this because of a story that I heard about on one of the FOX news channels. It was an interview with Missouri congressman Todd Akin. He was talking about his firm stance of Pro-Life. In this interview he started talking about rape victims and something he said just.... didn't sit right with me.

"...women's bodies know if they are legitimate rape victims and automatically can just shut down a resulting unwanted pregnancy... so there's no nee to even discuss abortion in cases of rape..."

TA has also previously stated that some types of rape are more worthy of protections than others.

First of all... there is only one type of rape. If a man or woman as sex with someone against their consent then it is rape... end of story. There are not different kinds. NO. Rape is rape and the people who commit such a crime are monsters. How someone could even suggest that some rape victims don't need help is beyond me. The man even has daughters of his own!?!! and grandchildren!! sorry off topic here

(yes I am very anti-rape.. as well as every person should be)

Secondly the female reproductive system does not "shut down" if there is a "legitimate rape". That is a load of horse shit! Two authors from Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine in 2004 consulted with doctors, nurses, and others of the same professions helped disprove this.

It has been shown in cases that the female body will actually arouse itself as a defense mechanism against vaginal tearing. It doesn't shut down, it turns on to protect itself.  What Akin is trying to do is say that women who are raped by husbands or boyfriends are not "real rape victims". Date rape is a thing.. It does exist. Its called abuse asshole! and you are not helping these women at all. You should be trying to help them realize what is happening to them is wrong and they should seek help. Not tell them that they want it so it's not technically rape.


I'm not saying that rape victims should automatically abort a pregnancy. There are other options rather than just getting rid of the baby (so to speak)

I am pro-leave the issue the fuck alone. I don't think what is considered rape and not rape should be decided by a government. I think rape victims should have options. there are plenty of families out there who would like a child that can't have one for their own. I don't think that these women should be punished for something that they have no control over.

I cannot tell you when life truly begins. I am not a doctor nor a philosopher... That is not for me to decide. If I ever unfortunately have to make a choice like that because I was raped and ended up pregnant I would go for the adoption route.

I do not think that dumb little teenager who have sex at 14 and get knocked up should have the option of abortion. You decided you were old enough to have sex therefore you decided that you were old enough to have a baby. Deal with the consequences of your actions.

I don't think I really have a side to this. I do think abortions should have restrictions if they are allowed but if they are not then support needs to be provided to those victims of rape who end up pregnant.

But when you think about this issue. If you have a daughter or sister or mother ANY female in your life you care about, think about how you would feel if they got raped, and then told you they were pregnant. Think about what you would do just for a second. If you are a good person then you will at least consider how they feel. If you are a gaddamn Jesus nut I don't want to hear all "the power of Christ compels you!"

You are a close minded ass and you need to go away. Before you get all judgemental on me (which the bible tells you not to do BTW) yes i do believe in god but NO I am not super obsessed with the bible and all that. I have my beliefs you have yours.

Just as my stance on these issues will not be the same as every ones I can respect both sides of the argument.

Now I do know that Akins apologized... but he is ignorant.. and honestly... I don't think that he should be elected again.. EVER. Someone with that much lack of compassion should not have the power to govern a country... And I'm even (technically kinda sorta) a Republican. I lean more towards the republican side but I'm still open minded and can be liberal on some issues.

Stupid people are stupid...

Sunday, August 19, 2012

A Message to All Girls

I have committed what I will call a huge relationship sin. I took my anger way to far, I became what is known as the jealous shrew.

My boyfriend kinda just went on a trip.. Didn't say goodbye or anything.. and we talked about it. He knows that he made a bad decision, he knows how much he hurt me yet I still made it a point to make his time miserable.

To girls this makes sense. Your angry and your going to let him know just how angry you are. Your miserable you want him to feel your pain. We girls are terrible terrible people. Even though I know I am in the wrong I still want him to feel pain....

I don't like to admit when I am wrong... I don't like being wrong. I HATE the fact that I have to apologize >=/ but you know what ladies.... I did

I sucked it up and I told him that I am wrong, that I am ridiculously sorry for making him miserable. I'm not lying to him. I am sorry.

Girls by being this way you will ruin EVERY relationship you ever want to be in. I love him... more than anything and I don't want to ruin our relationship when things can easily be fixed when he gets back. No I don't want to have to wait for him to get back... It sucks that hes not here with me. Yes I'm angry that he's having fun without me.. but that's life.

And my life sucks....

Girls.. It doesn't matter how upset you are. If he has already tried to make amends and admit that he's wrong don't push the issue. You need to calmly talk things over. Don't do something that you will regret like I did.

Baby I love you more than anything in this world and I'm sorry for what I have put you through.

Friday, August 17, 2012

High School: Welcome to the Worst Four Years of Your Life!

I'm not going to sugar coast this, not even a little. High school was the WORST four years of my life as well as many of my friends lives. EVERYONE is going to judge you from the second you walk in that door on that first day.

For the next four years of your life if you don't make friends on that first day you are forever alone my friend. All of those "friends" that you had in this retarded thing called middle school will abandon you without a second thought.

Yeah be paranoid! It might actually be better to be alone though. In my high school most of the girls who were considered the "cool" ones are now either grossly fat and have no future, had at least one kid before graduating, or didn't graduate at all.

All of those relationships in high school also don't matter. THEY WILL NOT LAST. I don't care how much you think you love them. People change after high school.. seriously. You will hate that person by the end of the summer.

High school does NOT prepare you for college... at least not in the state of Florida. Seriously my high school treated us like we were in kindergarten. When I got to college my teachers never talked to me, and they sure as hell did not let me turn things in late.

Seriously kids.. brace yourself. It's going to be a tough ride but hey.. I made it through alive. If my sorry ass can do it then I'm pretty sure that you can as well..

Maybe take up video games club or something... that's what I did. I even made a friend ^^

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Sun Burns Suck.... And Other Stuff

I was super excited to FINALLY get to go to a water park. I never really get to go to any and when I have gone in the past I've never really been able to swim or I was a wuss and I refused to go on anything.

(look at how tan I look :D)


If you guys are ever in the Orlando, Florida area might I suggest you go to Aquatica. Website can be found HERE

The unfortunate side is that since I am a vary VARY pale person I burn super fast. I even apply sunscreen every 30 min (SPF 50). Like after every ride I have to go back to our little umbrella beach chair set up and put on more greesy crap. Yet somehow I am still as red as a lobster (as they say).

Kjæresi gave me a good tip, which is to put aloe in the fridge and OMG it feels AMAZING on sunburn. Like instant cooling. For the pain lavander oil.. trust me if you have a sunburn put lavander oil on it.... you will thank me.

But thank you  kjæresi for taking me and having a super awesome day


I am friggin alone for two weeks because apparently kjæresi decided randomlly that he's going to Alabama for two weeks..... and he told me 30 min before he was leaving.. whilst I was at work. So I didn't even get to say goodbye or anything?!?! the fuck kind of shit is that?!

Like.... grrrrrr >=[

Just going to fuckin leave for two weeks?? sure ok.. go have fun..... I guess I'll just be here....

What the hell am I supposed to do? Like don't make plans with me and then fuckin leave for two weeks. Fuckin screws me over >=/

Back to a brighter note I have a haul post coming. I got all new stuff for the new school year... and the fact that my ass got bigger and I needed new everything cuz aint nothing fits no more..

Oh god my english is going to hell >< I used the word ain't in an actual sentence.... someone shoot me (I am not being serious here. please don't shoot me. I would appreciate it)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


**warning: there is a copious amount of cursing in this post!**

I fucking hate sluts… I’m not talking about the girls that go around and sleep with all the guys in the club.. Most of those guys are single I don’t care your just a hoe. A slut is one of those girls that will hit on guys in a relationship as well. or they will do what they can to get the guy out of that relationship so that she can fuck him, OR she will lead that guy to cheat on his girl.

FUCK SLUTS. Like ok.. the other day kjaeresi was texting a girl he was friends with and she said “I don’t mean to be disrespectful but I would totally fuck you if you weren’t with your gf”

 OBVIOUSLY I have a few problems with this:

1.)    I don’t give 3 shits if you don’t mean to be disrespectful or no.. the fact that you brought it up is extremely disrespectful to me. going behind my back to let MY man know that you want to sleep with him.

2.)    the fuck are you implying bitch?! That he can have sex with you if he leaves me?!?! like hell. Fuck you bitch!

 3.)    You don’t tell someone who is in a relationship that. You just don’t… you a fucking slut. Now leave him alone.

Yeah…. You can see that I absolutely HATE girls like this. If you want to fuck a dude who is with a girl keep that shit to yourself until they aren’t together anymore. Then you can be all “yeah I wanted to tell you earlier that I really wanted to sleep with you, but I didn’t want to be disrespectful” THAT is a good way of going about it. You don’t disrespect yourself and you don’t disrespect the other girl by going behind her back.

You can have sexytime with all the single men you desire… that’s your syphilis to deal with not mine, but the second you try to get with MY man by going behind MY back now we have a fucking problem!

What you didn’t think he was going to tell me this?? you thought he was going to keep this a secret?? Well guess what unlike your std filled ass kjaeresi is a GOOD HUMAN BEING who is actually honest with me (and he actually is…. Which is really weird when you think about it.) Bitches can just fuck off ^^

Why the hell do you have to be a homewrecking whore?? Guys too!! Its not just girls. I shouldn’t say that it’s just girls. Yeah I’ve had guy friends come up to me and tell me things like this, but you know what? I don’t associate myself with these people anymore. I have cut them out of my life because I don’t want to be caught up in the drama that I know they are going to cause.

Why do people want to go after others who are already taken?? What the fuck is your problem? How dare you knowingly go after a guy that is in a relationship? HOW DARE YOU!

What gives you the right to try to ruin something that is better than you will even be? You don’t mean to be disrespectful my ass. I don’t care what you mean to be… words don’t mean shit to me. Your being a disrespectful slutwhorebitch….. now GTFO

 This is a video that helped inspire me to go ahead and write this:

NOTE: video is not mine

Sochi Russia: Cannot Friggin Wait!!!

It has been a dream of mine to go to the Olympics!! Either by competing or as a spectator, I DON'T CARE. I just want to go.

The 2014 winter Olympics is going to be held in Sochi Russia, which is located near the Black Sea. Up until now Sochi has been a rather popular resort city, even housing Stalin's vacation home. The history of the city itself is amazing!

Sooooo I have begun thinking that I am going to attend the 2014 winter Olympics :D (as a spectator only)

Living in America I have never really gotten a chance to cheer on my people. Since all we see is American programming, not that I blame them or anything. I totally understand why they do it.

Going would also give me the opportunity to visit my brother in Turkey ^^ Ok well he's really my adopted brother.... It's a long story for another time, but I will get to see him!!!!

Sorry for the rather short post of the day. I was bored and really had nothing better to do, and I am SUPER excited for the winter Olympics!!

Friday, August 10, 2012

The service Industry and Why It Sucks

I work in the service industry (again not saying specifically what it is I do) and before I never quite understood why people who work in this field are always angry. I get it now though. It's because people are assholes!

Today this guy came in, and he's been a problem before, but there I am trying to be nice and friendly because he requested me (you guys are going to think I'm a stripper -.-). When I handed him the confirmation paper for him to sign he looked at the price estimate, slides the paper back at me, and exclaims rudely that he has never paid that price before. According to him he has always paid $35 and how dare we try to charge him more.

Honestly if he would have been nice about the price inquiry I probably would have helped him out a little, but no he just HAD to be an asshole. So I had to call a manager in and they actually argued with each other. In the end the guy just left THANK GOD!!

Why do some people think that they will get what they want by being rude?!?! Like I'm trying to be nice and I will do what I can to accommodate you.... but if your going to blame all your life problems on me over $20 then I'm not going to even bother. You are SOL. Putting me on the spot like that, embarrassing me in front of my co-workers and customers is NOT going to get you what you want.

It is not going to kill you to admit that your wrong?! If you can do that then maybe we can find some middle ground that we can both agree on, and if not then you are more than welcome to go somewhere else. I'll even call them and let them know your coming.

Ladies and gentlemen PLEASE just be nice to people who are doing you a service such as fixing your car, serving you food, grooming your pet WHATEVER. Remember that they are doing YOU a favor NOT the other way around. You are there because you can't do whatever it is yourself and they can. You have a problem then you can go learn how to fix it your damn self!!

Remember treat others as you would like to be treated. You don't want to get bitched out and neither do we.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Hair Tip thingy: How to avoid Nast Hair From Over-Dying

Due to the fact that my hair grows RIDICULOUSLY fast (I'm talking like a little over an inch a month) I have to dye my hair at minimum every 3 months or I have that freaky ring around my head.

I did have an unfortunate case of dead hair... over bleaching :(
(p.s. I will never go blonde again)

I had to learn the hard way that over processing leads to having to cut all your hair off. It's a sad moment having to admit defeat with your hair and say goodbye. Luckily I may be able to help prevent that.

First thing you will need Is a very good weekly treatment mask oil thingy. A good one that you can get at any Ulta store is the macadamia stuff.... just... picture:

Before you do any treatment chemical stuff you HAVE to be taking care of your hair. I use vegan shampoos/ shampoos without sulfates which is the stuff that makes the shampoo lather. Sulfates strip your hair of the oils that keep it healthy and strong and shiny. Paul Mitchell makes a good sulfate-free shampoo though keep in mind they can be kinda expensive.

If you hair is good and ready to be chemicalized get whatever dye it is that you like. It really doesn't matter. They all damage your hair so picking one over the other doesn't do an iota of good.

After the process rinse you hair with COLD water. ICE COLD water. It keeps your hair strong and shiny despite the dry-ness brought on by the dye. Air dry your hair only or if you have to use a blow dryer use cod air.

While your hair is still damp your going to need to put an oil or a color protectent treatment. Argan oil is a miracle. Grab one at your local sally's beauty.

When I didn't have this I actually took the conditioner I use (also vegan) and put some in my hair after it was half dry. Makes it all soft and shizz.

Thankfully its that easy. You also need to make sure that you eat a healthy diet. Some carrots and spinach are good for your hair. Get your vitamin E on  and your vitamin C. A diet of McDonalds isn't going to help you or your hair at all.

Super fun stuff... So..... Yeah

College Sucks.... Or at Least Paying for it Does

Yeah so I just went in an made my first payment for the semester... and bloody hell does it suck!!

I'm taking less classes yet I'm paying the same ammount as I did for the fall of last year... Friggin jesus >=/

I guess a little bacckground information is in order. I am in two different "schools" right now. The first one i guess you could call regular college. Its a four year school with degrees and stuff. The second one is an apprenticeship (not going to say what for). I have to pay a LOT of money for both of these.

Technically I do get paid for the apprenticeship..since I am doing it through my current job, but it's not enough to cover all the tools and stuff I need AND pay for my other school.

I really don't want to have to take out student loans.. That's like the LAST thing that I want to have to do. Unfortunatly I think it's my only option at this point. Why can't school be free.... seriously -.- I want back in Europe... anywhere would be nice. (not england though. To much Olympic-y stuff going on).... Ryan Lochte CALL MEH!!


I'm a good person


Sunday, August 5, 2012

Stupid Internet is Stupid.

Don't you just hate it when it seems like every computer around you decides that they are all going to stop working -.-

My laptop absolutly refused to charge and the main desktoppy thingy wouldn't connect to WiFi if it's life depended on it. (and I threatened it quite a few times so I know this is true). Even writing this the internet has cut out a total of 4 times now!!

In order to pass my time so that I wouldn't jump off my roof (all one story of it) I started working on my costumes for next years MegaCon. It's like ComiCon for the East coast. This year I only went for one of the three days. Next year I am planning on going for all three days. Going to stay at a hotel and everything!! (Getting fancy up in here)

Me being weird I have decided that I'm going to go in costume for all three days.

Day 1

Harley Quinn: Arkham Asylum 

Day 2

Seto Kaiba: Yu-Gi-Oh

Day 3

Misa Amane: DeathNote

It's a challenge to say the least ^^ I am making all of the costumes by hand. Hoping that It will turn out to be cheaper than just buying a premade costume online and then having it tailored... I have until March 2013 to finish....

Anywhoozle... What else can I talk about.... Nothing really XD I am aparently more boring than I originally thought.