Monday, May 28, 2012

Saving Money: The non BS way

I am so tired of watching the T.V. and seeing all these people who claim that if you follow their advice to the word that you will have millions in a few years.. That is horribly untrue and honestly these people need to go away

I've noticd that almost all of my posts are about something that makes me angry... 0.0

This kinda all stems from a video on youtube. It was a travel video Posted by Michelle Phan, and most of the comments were talking about how she is a rich snob who doesn't deserve what she has. What people don't realize is that she had to work to get the money that she has!! She didn't start out with all of this "money". She, like many others, started out with an idea, and she went with that idea. It just happened to work out for her. People started watching her videos, and they LIKE what she has to say. Sponsors began to take notice of this and they asked her if she would like to work for them. So guess waht guys SHE HAS A JOB!!

That is her big secret to having all her money. She got a job with makeup companies and they pay her to work for them.. WHAT A CONCEPT!?

How about all of you people complaining get up off your ass and do the same thing?!?!

Okokokok I need to give some ACTUAL advice now.

So let's say that you do have a job and there is this... pair of shoes (ahhh shoes) or for guys out there Diablo 3, but you can't afford it (whatever it is).

I actually learned this from an episode of friends, save 10% of whatever is on your paycheck, or allowance, or whatever, and put that into a pile, or super special secret account. Seriously saving isn't that difficult. It just takes a lot of time.

If you unfortunatly are a person like me and you always want to buy something pretty it makes saving difficult. So something weird I did was about a year ago I started saving change and I told meself that if I'm good for the whole year with not spending all of my money on clothes and random crap that I don't need all of the money that I have saved I will buy a new wardrobe or just new stuff.

It really is a simple goal and it honestly is working. Yes I have bad moments and buy clothing, but never have i bought something full price... I say that like it justifies spending money xD

My official mega ultra shopping trip is scheduled for mid August ^^

Yeah i know this wasn't very informative.... but saving money isn't complicated and you don't need to invest money in weird acounts. It just makes your life way more confusing and complicated.

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