Sunday, May 6, 2012

Grow Hair Faster o.0??

I honestly never thought it would be possible, but I think I have found a product that works. First a little back story though:

About three years ago I decided that I would look great with platinum blonde hair. So off i went to the beauty supply store and grabbed some random bleach packets and developer. When I got home that day I slathered my hair in bleach and left it on for.. oh.... an hour or so. Instead of turning my hair blonde it came out some weird... yellowish.. orangeish color. So like any sane person I bleached it again the next day, and when it still wasn't blonde enough, I bleached it again a few days later.

My scalp was destroyed, my hair was fried, and when I still didn't like it I just dyed it purple ><

It was bad.. very very bad. so bad in fact i have permanatly erased all docuentation that the event ever happened.

You get the point though that my hair had become permanatly damaged. It actually stopped growing for a while there, and mostly just fell out. I had bald patches and what was left was frizzy and gross. I cut all of it of and had to start growing from scratch thinking that it will never grow long again. Well....

About three months ago I was at Marshall's and i went to the beauty section (the one by my work has a HUGE beauty section!!). I saw this stuff that claims that it helps hair grow. I checked out the ingredients and it contains copious ammounts of Vitamin E which if you read in my hair mask post is VERY good for your hair.

It was only $10 so I got it and have been using it twice a wek for the past 3 months aaannnnndddd....

Almost 3 inches of growth!!!

The red was done at the end of January and that weird black brown color is ... well.. my real hair color >< which I HATE

And its all thanks to this

I thought I was going to have to use that Rogain shizz

Now there are some down-sides to this. You should use it overnight since it makes your hair super oily and it had a weird planty smell. I use it the days before I wash my hair.

Other than that there really isn't anything else wrong with it! it's amazing!! and I LOVE it!!!

I know you can get this product on Ebay and Amazon, though I'm not sure of how much some people are selling it for. If you can though definatly give this a try

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