Friday, May 11, 2012

Something All Guys Need to Know..

So I was just doing some laundry when I came across one of kjæresten shirts, and I just can't stop smelling it!! I may be slightly obsessive about how he smells, but it's SUPER AMAZING!

Then I realized something.... There are quite a few guys out there that smell like shit.... Literally.

Besides kjæresi (I shortened it and made it cuter ^^ now pronounced sh-are-eh-shi) I also have a brother who is still a teenager. I have no clue what it is about teenage and young adult guys, but they think that they don't have to shower and can just spray this "Axe" stuff on them and they smell perfectly fine.

This is not true!!! Guys listen to me NOT TRUE.

You still smell very very bad.... It just now has a strange spicey musky scent added to the smell of feet and jock strap ><

Hygiene is something that everyone, not just guys, needs to pay attention to. People sweat, some more than others, and that has a odor. Now your body could just naturally have a funky smell to it, or how you smell can be affected by what you are eating. Typically young boys/men have a shitty diet.... so your going to smell bad. Deal with it (Or not in this case)

Since apparently some people out there need some help with the hygiene thing here is some advise.. ahem

1.) Take a shower at least once per day. If you do strenuous activities during the day (sports, hot sun, ect...) shower twice maybe three times. It doesn't have to be a long full on shower. Just hop in and rinse off.
2.) Deodorant.. It's a magical invention.... Use it
3.) In reference to the above tip.... apply more than once per day -.- and that body spray IS NOT DEODORANT!! if you do not physically apply to your smelly parts then it does no good.
4.) Cologne  is also a great invention. Might I recommend Ralph Lauren Blue... or the 1234 collection (not sure of the name)
4.) If your unsure of how you smell ASK. kjæresi has asked me before if he smells funny. It's a good thing to want to know the truth.

So guys if you get anything from this please PLEASE start to pay attention to personal hygiene. I know I didn't cover all of it. I left out bits about brushing your teeth.. I'm hoping though that you already do that... at least -.-

Giorgio Armani:

Ralph Lauren Polo blue:

Ralph Lauren Big Pony (<- just me or is that the FUNNIEST name for mens fragrence):

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