Friday, May 18, 2012

50 Shades of Grey and So On..

Yes I have caved into the pressure. I wanted to see what all of the hype is about. Seriously there are hundreds of book out there like this already so why is this one so special??

Honestly It's not that different from anyother romance novel. Don't get me wrong it is a really good book! I love the story line and the character development. I may like it a little more since it is not mindless sex. I HATE going to read a novel for the stroy and page one BAME sexytime -.-

That really does get so annoying, But this one does not do that and I commend the author. I find that i actually like the characters (most of the time) Kate kind of annoys me sometimes being all... peppy.

Maybe one of the reasons I do really like the book is because I can relate. Christian and Ana remind me a little of me and Kjæresi (kjæresi and I... whatever!!). Not because of he has a bondage fettish... at least not that I know of 0.0 just that he has a bad past and stuff and things not goingtogointothatbecauseofpersonalreasons.

But yes... i wouldn't say that this book is "mommy porn" because it's really not. It's a very enjoyable book that no one really needs to be ashamed of reading.

hmmmm very short post ><

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