Friday, August 2, 2013

UPDATES!! : Seto Kaiba, Guns, and why Community College Sucks Ballzz

Why is it so gad damn difficult to be a "young adult".
Ok I guess I'm not really considered a young adult anymore. Being in my 20's and all... Oh shit I'm old ><
POINT BEING: life is expensive and that caught up with me. Got it sorted though. Mostly working my tukus off at work trying to make what I need to cover my bills. See I would have been fine and not had a care in the world, but I dated an asshole who decided to spend my money every chance he got. He's gone for a reason ^^ (Besides you know.. cheating on me and all..)
So where have I been? Family was visiting for the past 2 weeks so I had to spend what time I could with them in between school and work.. which isn't much time let me tell you.
Also didn't help that I had my final exams last week. I never thought the American Government could bore me more than it already does. YOU HEAR THAT FBI?! CIA?!? HOME LAND SECURITY YOU'RE B.O.R.I.N.G.! I swear to cheese I know more about how the government works than the bloody president. I could run this bitch with my eyes closed.
Then upon completion of said summer classes I found out that my school raised the prices of their tuition AGAIN! God blessit don't they know I'm broke as it is? WTF am I paying a lab fee for? I'm not taking any class that requires a "lab" Bitch give me my $200 back >=[ I don't care if you are technically considered a 4 year college now. You don't offer any classes related to my area of study and you won't offer me grants because I'm not going there for computer engineering or what-have-you. Screw you!
Ok Happy thoughts happy thoughts...
I've also been working on my new cosplays. The first one that will be revealed is Seto Kaiba from Yu-Gi-Oh. No pictures yet sowwy! There won't be any until I finish the costume and can put up the progression set ^^ Just a side note though.... It looks badass!
If you are a fan of the walking dead you'll know what that is.. Motha Frackkin Colt Python!!!!
GOD I wish I had the money to buy that... I... Just... Don't have 3K laying around. Even worse... They also had a Desert Eagle.... For 2K!! I could never use something like that but just to have it! That would be great.
Guns are one of my new favorite past time. I love shooting, I love handling the different kinds, trying different targets, and learning about them in general. I don't know much about anything but shit is it fun!
Might have some more super awesome gun pictures later ;) go back and just stare at the DE :D

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