Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Diary of a Fangirl: Heros of Cosplay and WTF is This Shit?!

I make it well known that I cosplay. I LOVE cosplay. I do not so it competitively nor do I ever plan to. I just like being able to portray my favorite characters. I know the show Heros of Cosplay is what it is... a reality show, and I know the creators are going to take some artistic liberties that's not my problem.. My problem is this shit
I.. I just....... I don't even have words for this shit.
This bitch obviously did NOT do her research on the topic she was writing about; nor did she even watch the show she is talking about BECAUSE IT HADN'T AIRED YET!
Saying that cosplay is crazy and weird (I think she called reenactments "nutty"). Does she not realize exactly how many people she just offended? Not all cosplay is competitive bitch. Some of us do it just to be a person we wish we could be. People who may be quiet and reserved can open up for once in their lives. They can meet people and make friends who have the same interests as them.
Hell my best friend met her current boyfriend at a convention.. in a freakin costume!!
Why do people have such a distorted perception of cosplayers? What did we do to freak people out? If you think we are crazy people that do weird things whilst in costume let me just tell you... we don't
Sure you have the people that actually do that. But for the most part cosplayers take to much pride in their work to ruin it.
You think we are weird... Bitch you're weird. Maybe you should get a hobby yourself and you won't be so judgemental...

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