Thursday, April 26, 2012

Norway Sings!


Just when I was starting to worry about them they came back and showed me just how amazing they can be.

As most of you know a man name Anders Breivik killed approximatly 77 people in two different "terrorist" attacks. He has dedicate his life to warn Norway against multiculturalism.

Well sir your plans have bee foiled!!!!

On the 26th of April over 40,000 Norwegians gathered in Oslo Square (not far from where he was on trial for murder) and they began singing. Not just any song, but a specific song that Anders says is used to brainwash children into believing that multiculturalism is a good thing.

The song (children of the rainbow) is a Norwegian version of the American song "My Rainbow Race".

The people that gathered also marched down to the court house to place flowers in memory of the people that Anders killed. Even Ministers from other scandinavian countries (Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, and the Faroe Islands) joined in on the singing.

It is amazing to me that people can show up in such force for a cause such as this. All of them proved that just because this horrible man is getting so much attention you don't have to pay attention to the bad. They all came together to remember the people, mostly children, who died. People who have never met each other, and even come from different countries sang together.

I hope they made Anders watch that. I hope he can see that all of his planning was for nothing. Those children didn't die in vain. They have helped bring together a nation of amazing people.

...Gå og fortell, går fortelle alle de små barna.
Fortell alle mødre og fedre også.
er vår siste sjanse til å lære å dele
Hva er blitt gitt til meg og deg...

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