Sunday, September 1, 2013

Diary of A Fangirl: Soo I haven't posted in a while...

I always get to distracted!! Between my grandmother visiting and final exams and the new semester starting and work crap... just UGH
Update #1
I've started taking commissions for custom painted shoes. So any and all free time that I thought I had has been taken up by that. I don't mind that aspect to much because I actually like drawing and painting.
Update #2
I've started seeing someone. So the few minutes of free time left over from school, work, and shoe painting goes to him xD Though he is taking a class with me in school so we hang out there a lot. OMG and can this guy cook!!!!! He made me dinner the other night and I'm telling you guys it was AMAZING!
Update #3
I have been asked to be part of a web show on cosplaying!!! I don't have to many details about this yet other than people with cameras will be following me around randomly showing me fail at making costumes :D
Update #4
So I totally forgot what this one was going to be about...................
I had something in mind I swear!!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Diary of a Fangirl: Heros of Cosplay and WTF is This Shit?!

I make it well known that I cosplay. I LOVE cosplay. I do not so it competitively nor do I ever plan to. I just like being able to portray my favorite characters. I know the show Heros of Cosplay is what it is... a reality show, and I know the creators are going to take some artistic liberties that's not my problem.. My problem is this shit
I.. I just....... I don't even have words for this shit.
This bitch obviously did NOT do her research on the topic she was writing about; nor did she even watch the show she is talking about BECAUSE IT HADN'T AIRED YET!
Saying that cosplay is crazy and weird (I think she called reenactments "nutty"). Does she not realize exactly how many people she just offended? Not all cosplay is competitive bitch. Some of us do it just to be a person we wish we could be. People who may be quiet and reserved can open up for once in their lives. They can meet people and make friends who have the same interests as them.
Hell my best friend met her current boyfriend at a convention.. in a freakin costume!!
Why do people have such a distorted perception of cosplayers? What did we do to freak people out? If you think we are crazy people that do weird things whilst in costume let me just tell you... we don't
Sure you have the people that actually do that. But for the most part cosplayers take to much pride in their work to ruin it.
You think we are weird... Bitch you're weird. Maybe you should get a hobby yourself and you won't be so judgemental...

Comic Review: Deadpool Kills Deadpool

WOHOO! Time to review another series. In my school induced depression I have taken to drowning myself in comics. How better to lift the spirits other than DEADPOOL!!
(Picture *XMenouX)
So far only two issues have been released. I believe there will be four or five in total. In the story so far the Deadpool Corps track down Deadpool because there is a Deadpool from another dimension trying to kill off all the other Deadpools.

If you don't really know much about Deadpool you may think that it's a huge clusterfuck of things going on.

One of my biggest praises for this series is the artwork (Salva Espin). The cover art alone is note worthy (Mike Del Mundo). Everything is just so pretty to look at. Even if you don't want to read it, it could make a wonderful picture book xD. It's dark when it needs to be dark and light when it's supposed to be comical.

If I could change one thing, Deadpool don't have the voices in his head. Those are kind of a key thing for me. At the same time there are so many Deadpools that if you also added his other personalities it may have been a bit to much going on. So as much as I miss the voices I do think they made a good choice leaving them out.
Should you pick this up... YES. If you are a deadpool fan In any capacity you will like this.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Diary of A Fangirl: Let Birthday Shenanigans Ensue!

It's not actually my birthday yet... Who cares though really?
Since I'm turning 21 (SWEET JESUS YES!) and it's the only birthday I will have ever really celebrated I'm going all out. Today officially marked the beginning of the count-down, and what better thing to do than nerd out?!
Me and bestest friend of 15 years went on an adventure. I guess I should explain what an adventure constitutes. Really It's anytime I get my lazy butt out of the house and go do something fun.
This adventure was of the nerdiest kind!
We first stopped to get bubble tea because she has never had it before. That was just unacceptable! So we went to my favorite Asian bakery place for some tea and red bean buns (and to be given the funny stares as the only white people). Me and bubble tea get along real well.
A quick LOL along the way:
That's a semi hauling another semi towing a semi... We got a kick out of that xD
On to the good stuff! First a picture of moi in some stuff I've already gotten for ma birfday:
HEHE dirty mirror
My nerd haul for the day
LOOK at all the stuff!!
I Love the stuff! I don't like paying for the stuff but yeah. Stuff. I'm going to go work on super awesome cosplay that I should be posting progression pictures of.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Diary of A Fangirl: Diets

UGH! The dreaded freaking words. I'm going on a diet...
I'm not over weight or anything, but I'm not the healthiest person alive. I eat a shit ton of junky greasy food, and I drink my body weight in soda every day. I'm skinny yes, only not the good kind.
Needless to say I don't look good in a bathing suit.
I've started seeing a new guy as well.... and I actually really like him. Yeah there may have been one or two interests in between, but they didn't have much going for them. This dude I really want to impress. He understands my nerdiness T.T!
Anyways, He's not the reason I'm doing this. He is the reason I noticed how lax I have been getting. No No he didn't call me fat before people start thinking that. I just really want to impress him.. so yeah
This is going to be one of the shittiest months of my life. Like hell I'm going to give up coffee though! You can take my soda but I'll be damned if you take all of my caffeine.
Now If you excuse me I'm going to go dance to K-pop songs

Friday, August 2, 2013

UPDATES!! : Seto Kaiba, Guns, and why Community College Sucks Ballzz

Why is it so gad damn difficult to be a "young adult".
Ok I guess I'm not really considered a young adult anymore. Being in my 20's and all... Oh shit I'm old ><
POINT BEING: life is expensive and that caught up with me. Got it sorted though. Mostly working my tukus off at work trying to make what I need to cover my bills. See I would have been fine and not had a care in the world, but I dated an asshole who decided to spend my money every chance he got. He's gone for a reason ^^ (Besides you know.. cheating on me and all..)
So where have I been? Family was visiting for the past 2 weeks so I had to spend what time I could with them in between school and work.. which isn't much time let me tell you.
Also didn't help that I had my final exams last week. I never thought the American Government could bore me more than it already does. YOU HEAR THAT FBI?! CIA?!? HOME LAND SECURITY YOU'RE B.O.R.I.N.G.! I swear to cheese I know more about how the government works than the bloody president. I could run this bitch with my eyes closed.
Then upon completion of said summer classes I found out that my school raised the prices of their tuition AGAIN! God blessit don't they know I'm broke as it is? WTF am I paying a lab fee for? I'm not taking any class that requires a "lab" Bitch give me my $200 back >=[ I don't care if you are technically considered a 4 year college now. You don't offer any classes related to my area of study and you won't offer me grants because I'm not going there for computer engineering or what-have-you. Screw you!
Ok Happy thoughts happy thoughts...
I've also been working on my new cosplays. The first one that will be revealed is Seto Kaiba from Yu-Gi-Oh. No pictures yet sowwy! There won't be any until I finish the costume and can put up the progression set ^^ Just a side note though.... It looks badass!
If you are a fan of the walking dead you'll know what that is.. Motha Frackkin Colt Python!!!!
GOD I wish I had the money to buy that... I... Just... Don't have 3K laying around. Even worse... They also had a Desert Eagle.... For 2K!! I could never use something like that but just to have it! That would be great.
Guns are one of my new favorite past time. I love shooting, I love handling the different kinds, trying different targets, and learning about them in general. I don't know much about anything but shit is it fun!
Might have some more super awesome gun pictures later ;) go back and just stare at the DE :D

Saturday, July 20, 2013

San Diego Comicon.... Why The Fuck am I Not There?!?!?!

This is not cool.... Mother Fucking Tom Hiddleston puts his ass in his Loki costume and proceeds to turn on all the women in the vicinity... Why WHY could I not go?!?!
Why do I have to be broke T.T
Friggin Karen Gillian shaved her head for her role in Guardian of the Galaxy.
Jason Momoa just showed up at the Game of Thrones panel..
Sherlock and John are most definitely gay (Sorry but I stand by this)
The only people missing is Jenson and Jared (Supernatural), but they are in Canadia filming season 9 so they get a free pass on this one.
It's doesn't help I'm bloody cramping >=(
This is my shortest angriest post ever..