Friday, May 10, 2013

Abusive Relationships Part Deux

This Is probably one if the hardest things for me to admit... After almost two and a half years being with John I had to end it. I didn't want to admit it to myself at the time, but he was abusive. I pretended that everything was perfectly fine and even made excuses for his behavior..... but that was wrong of me to do.
Ladies... Gentlemen... I hope that none of you have to go through what I did.
I haven't really blogged anything for almost a year, because I didn't have my own life for that long. Things in the beginning were perfectly fine.... But then I guess he slowly took control. (OK yes I did just go on his facebook..... I'm horrible).
I didn't really think anything was wrong until he asked me to move in with him. That wasn't the thing that set it off. It was that when he asked me to move in he told me that if we live together then we have to get married, because HIS PARENTS said that if he lives with a girl then there better be a ring on her finger. As I was driving home that night I was in tears. I could not spend the rest of my life with someone like him.
If you are in the same thing that I was YOU CAN GET OUT! You do have a choice to leave. I know it's hard because that person has made you feel like you are nothing without them. I am telling you now that is not true! You are a strong person, you don't need someone like that in your life! They don't deserve you! It took me over two years to realize that, and did it still hurt when I made the phone call to break it off
I know someone is going to think I'm a huge bitch for doing it over the phone, but think of this. When you are with someone who is that manipulating you simply cannot be around them in person. It's much harder because then they quite literally have more control over you.
In these situations breaking up over a text or phone call does not.. I repeat NOT... make you a coward. It makes you strong for being able to leave a toxic relationship.
You deserve to be happy. You deserve to be with someone who will always bet here for you when you need them. Someone to hold you when you feel sad. I'm not just talking to girls. There are men out there who are with a woman who is ... evil. You can get out. You don't need her to live, and women you don't need him.
Be strong <3 I love you all!

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