Saturday, July 6, 2013

Diary of a Fangirl: Deadpool

Most if of ALL of my friends know how much of a Deadpool fan I am.. I mean really.
I Love
Deadpool was the first comic book character that I actually started getting into. Technically I started with Batman TAS, but with that I only watched the show I never actually got into the comic book. The Deadpool comics were the first comic books I ever bought. (P.s. the pictures don't show the whole collection. There is more at various friends houses)
I have a special love for Deadpool and when I heard he was getting a game I almost flipped my shit... Ok I did flip my shit (Sony studios I'm look at you to make this movie happen..)... (Not that Sony would/is making a Deadpool movie... I just like what they did with Amazing Spiderman... I can see it now DEADPOOL Directed by Mark Webb written by Joss Whedon)
Anyways Deadpool is voiced by the same guy who voices Desmond is Assassins Creed. He also did Deadpool for Marvel Vs. Capcom and Spiderman Shattered Dimensions. So He's not new to the deadpool thing. +5 points for that.
The things that made me cringe when I heard about this game was that High Moon studios who did the Transformers games, and Activision Who's done.. a lot of stuff. I was nervous to see if this would be good or not. I was so damn happy when the Batman Arkham games turned out to be so badass. This is Deadpools time to shine.. It NEEDED to be good!
I am pleasantly surprised at how much fun I had playing this game! The controls were easy to pick up, The story line was fun and kept me laughing. And just like in normal Deadpool manner he breaks the 4th wall constantly. The graphics were amazing as well. I'd say Batman quality. Yes I'm going to compare this to Batman because Batman gave comic book games a new look. As Deadpool takes damage his suit tears and you can see muscles and bones. As he heals up he literally heals up! Great detail.
Overall I would give it a 9/10. There could be some minor game play improvements, but other than that I would highly recommend you play this game!

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