Monday, June 10, 2013

Star Wars Weekends Part 2: 501st Legion and Why I Hate Florida

In my past Star Wars post I said how much I LOVE star wars.... Just saying my fangirl self has conniptions. During my first trip I actually missed one of the reasons I went which is the 501st Legion. THESE GUYS ARE AWESOME!! They have the most amazing accurate costumes, and they act the part so well! Cosplaying at its finest ladies and gents.
I HAD to go back, and yes... I went back to Disney just so I could see 5 minutes of a parade... I'm just that cool... yo.
It's them!! Someone hold me!!
Some Palpatine followed by TIE fighter pilots
Badass Snowtroopers (These guys have always scared me.. not sure as to why)
These aren't the droids you're looking for
Those are sadly my only good photos. Why? Because Florida weather suck assballs!! Seriously one second it was all fine and sunshiny and hardly a cloud in the friggin sky. The next second it was like Jesus really had to take a mad wiz and it poured!.  No joke they actually closed down rides and shows just so people had shelter from the rain and lightning.
It really sucked a little bit because I was really enjoying my day.. Even though I had to go on Tower of Terror.
UGH... Florida

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