Monday, June 17, 2013

Diary of a Fangirl... Why is Shit so Expensive! and Desolation of Smaug

There is nothing wrong with being a fangirl. I'm all for more girls getting into the comic book superhero thing! (If you are going to get into it get into it because you love it... not because it "popular"... please) I've noticed though... It's hard to be a fangirl!!
First of all... Shit is expensive!! I've only been collecting a year and I have probably spent well over a few grand. It's all in artwork, videos, comics, figures, clothing, random stuff that I know I'll never use but I want anyways....
Like I have next to my computer desk the desk that has all my things and there really isn't a whole lot. Then I look at my bank account and immediately want to cry myself to sleep.
I guess to find a bright side to this at least my hobby isn't car collecting, or i dunno... precious stone hording??? Is that even a thing?
... I do like that show hoarders though. Those people are really funny the way they try and justify why they need to keep all the things xD (Says the girl who collects batman merch like it's crack.) If the people from that show ever came to my house I would probably crack the door and start hissing at them.
I would like to see them TRY and take my shit.
ERRMAGEERD I'm thuper excited about the Desolation of Smaug trailer! I think Peter Jackson and J.J. Abrams were in a contest to see who could fit more awesome into a teaser trailer. Lets face it the trailers for Into Darkness were pretty badass and now The Hobbit trailer had me squealing like a bloody stuck pig! (I've been in the south to long)
Last thing I wanted to talk about... and I got distracted and now I can't remember it at all.... FUCK!

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