Friday, March 9, 2012

The Importance of Keeping a Monthly Budget.

I'm one of those people who are terrible when it comes to money. Sure I can save money and all that good stuff but i'm horrible when it comes to spending it and then before i know it...


That skrews me over when it comes to still being a student. If no one has told you yet, college in America is friggin expensive. Even what you call community college has fees out the wazoo! So people like me who love to buy crap that i don't need have a very hard time when it comes to paying for the things that really mater.

Therefore ladies and gentleman i have decided that I'm going to attempt to budget my money. Hopefully this will have some sort of effect on my finances (which after a shopping trip with my bestest friend is total shit right now).

The spread sheet that I picked can be found HERE

The thing that I love about these is that they do all the math for you!! Since I hate math these things are like a godsend ^^ I mean kjæresten is only willing to do so much math for me.

Anywhoozle I really need to start getting this thing done. Summer is coming and I don't fit into ANY of my shorts from last year.... So guess who gets to go on a gigantoric shopping trip =D (If she has the money for it that is.....)

Farvel alt ^^

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