Friday, March 9, 2012


First of all the only thing I can do is sit in bed.  A person can only play so much PS3 before wanting to bash their head in with the controller. Then you move on to watching Netflix for hours and hours on end..... After catching up on everysingle episode there is to see of How I Met Your Mother and Burn Notice you realize that your life officially sucks.

I was supposed to go to the fair today with kjæresten (That means the boyfriend by the way). His sister is presenting her pig today and we were going to go cheer her on ^^ I still might suck it up and go and be supportive.

Apparently i know nothing about how the "meat market" works. I still really don't which is kind of why i want to go tonight just to see how it all goes down.

I really just want to see kjæresten though. He was the one who got me sick in the first place!! So technically all of my bad feelings are his fault!!!

Angry thoughts at him lol

I won't blame him to much though as i forced him to endure my company lol. We went to Olive Gardn for lunch.. BLOODY AMAZING!! It's been a long time since I've had Italian food. I forgot how amazing it is. Gotta love the Italians. Gotta love them.

Bad grammar aside I think I'm just going to make some tea with honey adn find something else to do. Which was kinda the point of writing this entirly pointless entry. Rage entry blaming kjære for my troubles in life lol.

Farvel alt ^^

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