Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Thing That is Octomom....

Oh... Dear.... God...

Why is she a thing, and WHY THE HELL is she allowed to keep her 14 kids?!

Everyone calls her "octomom" yet she has 14 kinds.. not 8... don't forget about the other 6.. who are old enough to understand now.. THEIR MOM IS A FREAK!!

The first thing... yes I know she wanted to have more kids than the 6 she already had. That is fine .. I get that. She was only planning on having maybe one or two but all 8 implanted hence we get "octomom"

My big problem is that she can't afford the kids that she had let alone the kids she now has. I think she was hoping that she would have gotten a reality show or something like that, but we all she THAT didin't happen.

Now she can't afford her house, she can't afford her NANIES, and she can't afford anything those kids need to survive.

My first concern is always going to be the health and saftey of the kids. If you don't have enough to take care of yourself at least make sure that you feed your kids, put a roof over their head, and keep them warm in the winter.

When you have to resort to PORN to support your kids.. you my friend are NOT a fit parent... when you have to promote a loan company with a 600% APR because they use your "name"... NOT a good parent.

Her entire existence repulses me... I feel sorry for the kids..

aaaannnnddddd that is my rant xD

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Fathers Day!!!!!


It's fathers day ^^ and of course I have to say that I LOVE MY DADDY <3 <3

Yes I am a daddy's girl... always have been always will be. For the most part I was raised by him. He taught me practically everything, and he is the best thing in my life.

I'm getting all teary eyed just thinking about how much I love him.

GAHHH ok... must... keep... composure

I know some people aren't fortunate enough to have a father or be close to their father. I don't like saying that I pity them... pity is a weird word that I don't like to use, but I am sorry for all of you that don't have that love.

And hey to those of you out there with two womderfull mommies more power to you! You have those who love you and it's doesn't matter what gender they are ^^

Just happy fathers day to all those dads out there!! Go play some football... or baseball... or... tennis xD
Ég elska þig pabbi! Ég vona að þú haldir áfram að lifa lengi farsælt líf, til að sjá börnin mín vaxa, til að sjá mikil-barnabörn þín. Happy föður dag

Friday, June 15, 2012

I'm In a Very Bad Mood

This is going to be a very ranty post. I am just pissed off at life right now, and yes I'm going to blame it on PMS and mood swings because.. well that's what it is. Friggin mood swings >=(

So I gave up on being productive today. I'm just sitting in my room with my netflix playing wearing sweat-pants and kjærsi’s jacket. Lazy max !!

I wanted to try and get some sewing done today. I've been working on a nordic print mini dress. Need new school clothes for next semesterr ^^ and what you can't buy you make =D I make a lot of my stuff now anyways. I'm very picky when it comes to style and things that i like are usually WAYYYY to expensive.

Back on topic.. I'm angry >=(


Ok so I'm bad at this rage thing

I can't even have a normal conversation with kjærsi but he's off doing whatever the hell it is he does... Maybe that's what's making me angry. Can't get ahold of my own bloody boyfriend.

I've even resorted to watching Destination Truth (cheesy name if you ask me). Cryptozoology and ghosts ans shizz and I can't even get scared.

I know I'm talking about absolutly nothing but I need to rant.. about nothing.... ohhhh I'm an idiot.

No... I'm a girl xD

Monday, June 11, 2012

My Chinchilla - Pet care

In total I have 3 pets, but one of them is actually MINE. My wonderfully wonderful pet chinchilla ^^ or squeekums and I more affectionatly call him.

He will eat you!!!!!

He's so soft OMG!! Like a cloud!!!

HE was actually a rescue pet. A friend that I know lives (will call him D) in an appartnemt comxlex and he had heard of a tenant that just up and left leaving everything. When the landlords went to the place they found a bunch of animals left inside, squeeky was one of them.

D works at a pet store so he volunteered to take the animals and find them new homes.... And like the good friend he is he gave me the rodent xD

I wasn't actually offered.. I was TOLD that i had to take him....

How could I say no. Seriously.. HOW

With that.. Here are my tips on taking care of a pet chinchilla:

1.) Cage- it is going to need to be big.. I mean big big. They are the size of small rabbits but unlike a rabbit they will spend most of their time in there cage. I do suggest setting up a play area for your chinchilla. I just put up a child safety fence at the end of my hallway and close the doors.

He also has a giant running wheel in his cage. Since he lives in my bedroom i opted for buying one of the fancy "silent" wheels. Chinchillas are nocturnal..... they make a shit ton of noise at night 0.0
I don't like using the chinchilla size hampster-balls... seems cruel to me. I let him run freely. Be forewarned you will have to vacuume up poop.
His cage

2.)Cleaning- I had to buy a special vacuume just to clean out his cage. Chinchillas cannot be potty trained so cleaning up after them is a daily chore.

Once a week I take apart the cage and wash out the whole thing with diluted bleach. (no it doesn't hurt them as long as you rinse it good and make sure it is dry when you put the bedding in)

Chinchillas give themselves a bath. Just like bunnies you DO NOT put them in a tub of water. They use dust baths. You can use any type of pet bowl or house. They should have a minimum of  4 baths per week. Just put the receptacle in the cage and the chinchilla will do the rest.

3.) Foodz- The most important part of the chinchila diet is to constantly give them something to chew on. Their teeth continuously grow and if not taken care of will grow into their gums and they will start bleeding from the mouth! (OMG so sad D:!!) So give them something hard like wooden toys to chew on.

Their regular diet is supposed to be strictly pellet based.... but that is boring and they miss out on vitamins that they need. About once a week I give him pieces of carrot and lettuce and a few chinchilla treats. Feeding should be consistant and if they are used to one specific food don't randomly switch to something else.

That is basically it for my "tips". I know I don't folow the rules of taking care of a chinchilla to the letter but animals are like people, there are somethings they like and some they don't. I had to adapt his caretaking around his likes and dislikes.
And of course I have to include my other babies... or my half babies xD

Mine and kjæresi's dwarf bunny!!! His name is Davros
(note: I had no say in the naming of this bunny)

Ok so she's my dad's puppy that's not really a puppy but I call her puppy anyways.
Meet Koda Part husky part wolf something and lazy as SHIT
(The random arm belongs to my brother I do believe.... not sure)

And to end the post with another picture of the squeekums. He LOVES getting his belly rubbed. So cute ^^

Sunday, June 3, 2012

I Need to Be on Hoarders...

Sometimes I get into this mood where I HAVE to clean something. More times than not that something will be my room. I'm not saying my room is a complete mess, but it does get pretty bad. All because I have wayyyy to much shit!!

Like I'm still finding notes and stuff from when I was in high school (in case your wondering I'm a Sophomore in college now)

I should be on that show hoarders... seriously. I can't seem to throw things away it's slightly painful, like I'm getting rid of precious memories when really it's a useless piece of paper that I will never use again. No I don't have random dead animals running around and I am NOT infested with bugs!!


How can people live in that?! I know I'm not the cleanest person in the world, but I can tell when things are starting to smell funny.

Fabreeze is shit... air wick FTW!

Anyways back on track xD

MY ROOM IS CLEAN!!! ahhh I can move around freely now. I'm so excited!!
And I know your thinking "Bitch just keep the room clean and you'll always be able to move around".. My answer to that is "I work full-time and I go to school full-time.. when I get home I'm tired. I'm just going to sleep.. Fack cleaning!"

Some of us just don't have time to clean... I'm not a neat freak but when I clean it's legit.. for example my newly Organized closet (that I am very proud of =D)

No I do not use the doors anymore... PRIDE BITCHES!!

Behind the curtain... ignor the robe thats shoved in there on the floor

I keep looking in the "idk" drawer... and I STILL can't remember what is in there. And yes I have a spot specifically for things I steal from my boyfriend xD
(Disclaimer: he willingly surrendured possesion of the items currently in my possesion)

 Yes.. My hangers are colour coordinated.. I actually have three different tank top catagories.

I don't have a lot of clothing :(... but I have promised no more shopping until August!!
Then :

I think I'm the only one who finds me hilarious.... I'm not sure how kjæresi can put up with me...

ANYWHOOZLE yes.. things... clean.... me....tired.....retarded....