Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Megacon 2012

So this post is coming kinda late.... ok VERY late, but i don't care! I'm lazy and you'll just have to get over that. so baout 2 weekends ago i attended Megacon in Orlando Florida.


Everyone there was so freaking nice, and everyone was all photo happy there as well. I cosplayed Harely Quinn from Batman: Arkham Asylum and everyone wanted a pictrue of me!! At first it was kind of scary but once i got used to it i thought it was kinda nice. People actually wanted to take a picture with me because i was AWESOME =D

One of my favorite parts though had to be the shopping that was there. I didn't bring a whole lot of cash with me because i knew that i would spend every dollar that i had which would be a very very bad thing.

Enough about that though. Picture time!!

He was SUPER nice. He also looked very surprised when i asked for a picture with him.

The other Harley is my bestest friend. We had a battle ^^

Park Bom FTW


Yet another super nice guy who looked surprised to se me and my bestie. Then again we DID run around in a circle to catch up to him. That was a good 5 min sprint.

One of the only decent jokers that we could find.

Deadpool grabbed my bummbumm

Outside Arkham City.

A gaggle of Harley's.


This is one of my favoritest pictures of the day!!!

Yes R2D2 is trying to look up my skirt.... Perv.

3 generations of Harley's together at last. People were crowded around the 3 of us for almost a half an hour to try and get our picture. (p.s. she is a paid model. Her costume was made by professionals)

He scared me a little bit lol.

I don't like superman but MMMMMM Clark Kent!!

He pushed the people that were taking his picture away so that he could have a shot with us ^^

'Chu lookin at bruh!!

High five?

Thor was very happy to see us!

Bring it!


Om nomin with L

Ok i know i'm not in this picture but this guy was super cool!! <3

Epic photobomb in the background.

ZOMG his character, his costume!!! Everything about him was amazing!!!

So that's all the pictures that i have. Or at least all of the good ones that i have that i could go in and edit ^^ I'm doing a photo shoot in this costume for a photographer friend of mine. Maybe ill have more pictures then.

NOTE: If you are randomly reading this and you see yourself in one of these pictures let me know please!! That way I can credit you and put your name and a link to you on this page :D

New PS3!!

So I am so exited to finally have  a playstation.. Yes i'm being totally lame but I DONT CARE!! I have a freakin' PS3!!

I'm kinda a videogame junkie. I will play any game at least once just to see how it is (never judge a book by its cover and all that crap.) i love love me some pixels. Yes I know I said love twice.

After about 2 hours of just looking at it for a while, and then admiring the controller i got with it. IT GLOWS BLUE >=D!!! it also has a fan that blows air on your hands. Gets rid of that clamy hand feeling that i HATE when playing video games. I feel bad for the other controler just sitting around gathering dust most of the time. He only really gets used when the boyfriend comes over ^^

I am also one of those people who has to give names to inanimate objects. So my PS3 has been officially named Murphy, after Cillian Murphy. He was the guy who played Scarecrow in Batman Begins. One of the best Batman movies by far. (Yes Dark knight was better... but still SCARECROW!!)

So anywhoozle I am about to go bury myself in the Uncharted series so if you don't mind friður út