Friday, August 10, 2012

The service Industry and Why It Sucks

I work in the service industry (again not saying specifically what it is I do) and before I never quite understood why people who work in this field are always angry. I get it now though. It's because people are assholes!

Today this guy came in, and he's been a problem before, but there I am trying to be nice and friendly because he requested me (you guys are going to think I'm a stripper -.-). When I handed him the confirmation paper for him to sign he looked at the price estimate, slides the paper back at me, and exclaims rudely that he has never paid that price before. According to him he has always paid $35 and how dare we try to charge him more.

Honestly if he would have been nice about the price inquiry I probably would have helped him out a little, but no he just HAD to be an asshole. So I had to call a manager in and they actually argued with each other. In the end the guy just left THANK GOD!!

Why do some people think that they will get what they want by being rude?!?! Like I'm trying to be nice and I will do what I can to accommodate you.... but if your going to blame all your life problems on me over $20 then I'm not going to even bother. You are SOL. Putting me on the spot like that, embarrassing me in front of my co-workers and customers is NOT going to get you what you want.

It is not going to kill you to admit that your wrong?! If you can do that then maybe we can find some middle ground that we can both agree on, and if not then you are more than welcome to go somewhere else. I'll even call them and let them know your coming.

Ladies and gentlemen PLEASE just be nice to people who are doing you a service such as fixing your car, serving you food, grooming your pet WHATEVER. Remember that they are doing YOU a favor NOT the other way around. You are there because you can't do whatever it is yourself and they can. You have a problem then you can go learn how to fix it your damn self!!

Remember treat others as you would like to be treated. You don't want to get bitched out and neither do we.

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