Sunday, August 5, 2012

Stupid Internet is Stupid.

Don't you just hate it when it seems like every computer around you decides that they are all going to stop working -.-

My laptop absolutly refused to charge and the main desktoppy thingy wouldn't connect to WiFi if it's life depended on it. (and I threatened it quite a few times so I know this is true). Even writing this the internet has cut out a total of 4 times now!!

In order to pass my time so that I wouldn't jump off my roof (all one story of it) I started working on my costumes for next years MegaCon. It's like ComiCon for the East coast. This year I only went for one of the three days. Next year I am planning on going for all three days. Going to stay at a hotel and everything!! (Getting fancy up in here)

Me being weird I have decided that I'm going to go in costume for all three days.

Day 1

Harley Quinn: Arkham Asylum 

Day 2

Seto Kaiba: Yu-Gi-Oh

Day 3

Misa Amane: DeathNote

It's a challenge to say the least ^^ I am making all of the costumes by hand. Hoping that It will turn out to be cheaper than just buying a premade costume online and then having it tailored... I have until March 2013 to finish....

Anywhoozle... What else can I talk about.... Nothing really XD I am aparently more boring than I originally thought.

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