Monday, March 5, 2012

I Need To Diet.....

I've recently looked at myself in the mirror and almost died from the horror. I'm gaining weight again   >=(


I spent my whole summer trying to shed those horrible horrible pounds, i actually lost about 15 KG and I was excited to be almost skinny again. Now I'm just angry that all of my hard work had gone to waste. Some people don't understand how much hard work dieting is.

Personally I blame it on America. This may get a shit ton of hate but just look around you!! America is #1 on obesity lists (I don't quite know the name for these lists...) But it has been proven that America is the worse when it comes to people being overweight.

Fun Fact: the longest distance you can go in America withoughseeing a McDonalds is approximatly 193 KM (120 miles)

That's just friggin depressing.

(WARNING this next section will cause even more hate)
Now i'm from Norway, and have been in America for a "wonderful" 10 years. In Norway fast food is almost like a myth. Yes there are take-out restaraunts but not as many as there are here. Part of the Norwegian culture is eating healthy. Even after working all day you go home and will make a meal from scratch. Fresh fruits and veggies are more common to find than a cheese burger.

Actually your more likely to find some werid concoction with fish than cow =/

It sucks trying to diet whilst living in America. You guys and your chocolate covered sugar coated marshmellows, trenti size coffees, and OMG cheesecake factories!! How is a person supposed to resist things like that!!

Well I'm going to make it a point to get rid of those 15 KG again. I am bound and determined to do it too before this summer.  main reason being I'm going on vacation with the boyfriend and i want to look friggin amazing in a bikini..... speaking of which i need to get a new one since mine does not fit anymore =/

Enough of me complaining about everything ^^ I am proud of my mini rant though so y'all can deal with it.
friður út

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