Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Megacon 2012

So this post is coming kinda late.... ok VERY late, but i don't care! I'm lazy and you'll just have to get over that. so baout 2 weekends ago i attended Megacon in Orlando Florida.


Everyone there was so freaking nice, and everyone was all photo happy there as well. I cosplayed Harely Quinn from Batman: Arkham Asylum and everyone wanted a pictrue of me!! At first it was kind of scary but once i got used to it i thought it was kinda nice. People actually wanted to take a picture with me because i was AWESOME =D

One of my favorite parts though had to be the shopping that was there. I didn't bring a whole lot of cash with me because i knew that i would spend every dollar that i had which would be a very very bad thing.

Enough about that though. Picture time!!

He was SUPER nice. He also looked very surprised when i asked for a picture with him.

The other Harley is my bestest friend. We had a battle ^^

Park Bom FTW


Yet another super nice guy who looked surprised to se me and my bestie. Then again we DID run around in a circle to catch up to him. That was a good 5 min sprint.

One of the only decent jokers that we could find.

Deadpool grabbed my bummbumm

Outside Arkham City.

A gaggle of Harley's.


This is one of my favoritest pictures of the day!!!

Yes R2D2 is trying to look up my skirt.... Perv.

3 generations of Harley's together at last. People were crowded around the 3 of us for almost a half an hour to try and get our picture. (p.s. she is a paid model. Her costume was made by professionals)

He scared me a little bit lol.

I don't like superman but MMMMMM Clark Kent!!

He pushed the people that were taking his picture away so that he could have a shot with us ^^

'Chu lookin at bruh!!

High five?

Thor was very happy to see us!

Bring it!


Om nomin with L

Ok i know i'm not in this picture but this guy was super cool!! <3

Epic photobomb in the background.

ZOMG his character, his costume!!! Everything about him was amazing!!!

So that's all the pictures that i have. Or at least all of the good ones that i have that i could go in and edit ^^ I'm doing a photo shoot in this costume for a photographer friend of mine. Maybe ill have more pictures then.

NOTE: If you are randomly reading this and you see yourself in one of these pictures let me know please!! That way I can credit you and put your name and a link to you on this page :D

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