Saturday, June 22, 2013

How to Deal With a Girl on Her Period.

Yes I'm going to try and make this as simple as I can.... How to take care of a girl who is on her period/PMS.
First things first PMS and a period are two different thing. PMS can be either Post or Pre menstrual cycle. During this time THERE IS NO BLEEDING. If you insinuate otherwise you are in for an ass kicking.
ALSO.. never assume that when a girl is angry or sad that she is PMSing.. Again.. asking for an ass kicking.
PMS will happen around the week before an actual period. Then the period will last about a week. Finally Post isn't actually as bad for most people.
During PMS there is bloating, cramps, vomiting, .... umm.... sometimes lots of diareah, food cravings, and your favorite MOOD SWINGS :D Now. She is going to have the worlds worst self esteem during this time. The best thing you can do is tell her how amazing she is (Do NOT just comment on how she looks). Bonus points if you can make her laugh! Make sure there is some kind of sugary food around. Chocolate does very well, if she doesn't like chocolate you better find out what she does like because that will save your life someday.
For cramping! Midol is always good. Most pain relievers will do the trick. Have her lie down with a heating pad placed under her lower back, or on top of her with the center part between her hip bones. BONUS POINTS! When you are cuddling or just on the couch if you wrap your arm around her and use your hand as a heating pad. It's friggin adorable and I swear it works better than a heating pad. Use just a little bit of pressure or move your hand around, both work just as well.
If she is vomiting or pooping it is most likely because of the cramps. If this happens take a few towels (Or something you can was off easy) and put them in the dryer. Once they are warm give them to her in the bathroom. If she is sick she will most likely also have the chills. This will take care of that problem. Next make sure she has ice cold water. No gatorade or any of that shit. If she is hungry dry toast or crackers.
Bloating there is nothing you can do about. Same thing if she gets acne. The best you can do for that is just to NEVER point it out. Never.... and I mean N.E.V.E.R.!!
Moving on. During the period a girl can get very cranky. She will not want to get out of bed most mornings. Ready for the best kept secret... are you ready??
Holy hell guys. Just be nice. Dont' make fun of her, don't point out obvious things, and don't be a god damn jerk. Periods are some serious shit. Our body is shedding itself of dead tissue and blood. If you think dealing with us is hell try bleeding out of your penis every month. Does that sound fun? No? Didn't think so. The easier this time is on us the easier it is on you.
Seems like a fair trade to me.

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