Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Fathers Day!!!!!


It's fathers day ^^ and of course I have to say that I LOVE MY DADDY <3 <3

Yes I am a daddy's girl... always have been always will be. For the most part I was raised by him. He taught me practically everything, and he is the best thing in my life.

I'm getting all teary eyed just thinking about how much I love him.

GAHHH ok... must... keep... composure

I know some people aren't fortunate enough to have a father or be close to their father. I don't like saying that I pity them... pity is a weird word that I don't like to use, but I am sorry for all of you that don't have that love.

And hey to those of you out there with two womderfull mommies more power to you! You have those who love you and it's doesn't matter what gender they are ^^

Just happy fathers day to all those dads out there!! Go play some football... or baseball... or... tennis xD
Ég elska þig pabbi! Ég vona að þú haldir áfram að lifa lengi farsælt líf, til að sjá börnin mín vaxa, til að sjá mikil-barnabörn þín. Happy föður dag

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