Wednesday, May 9, 2012

American obesity rate --- And The Avengers

On this rare occasion I was actually watching the news before i went to sleep, and the news-casters.. news people.... who ever they are kept talking about this new statistic that came out saying that something like 42-50% of americans will be obese to morbidly obese by the year 2030-ish.

Really this is just sad.

 HOW CAN YOU LET IT GET THIS BAD. It seems like this society just wants to complain about its problems, but they don't want to do anything about it! For example: In some European countries you are more likely to find a fruit stand or a small sandwitch shop outside your work instead of america where you cannot go more than 100 miles in any direction (unless you hit water or canadia) without seeing a mcdonalds.

"They" say that they don't understand waht the problem is.. REALLY... you don't know what the problem is???? hmmmmmmmm let's think about this.

In my opinion america was doomed from the start. To begin with, when y'all (look at me... look at this repulsive language) built these cities buildings are more spread out with room for more what?? CARS. People here drive EVERYWHERE. the grocery store is right around the corner... Oh let's drive!! Shops are conveniently placed inside malls that are in the middle of nowhere and the food options around these malls is ALL junk. Everythink is to spread out which just encourages driving which = LAZY

Next up is how terrible it is to buy food. Not just fast food Vs. a salade (there we go.. fancy language lol) I'm talking about regular grocery shopping. Now where I live you have 5 options of grocery stores. Save-A-Lot, Walmart, Publix, Target, and Whole Foods. Now Save-A-Lot has really cheap food... but it is all junk and none of it is this precious "organic". Walmart being much the same way. Publix and Target are pretty much the same thing offering a small selection of "good" foods. Then you have Whole Foods which is "top of the mountain food". Everything is organic and healthy and good for you, and all that fancy crap, BUT GUESS WHAT?!?! It's super expensive.

Everyone here is blind to the fact that depending on what social class you belong to you don't have these healthy options available to you. It's desgusting....

It's like america isn't putting up much of a fight in this round. The government here is claiming that obesity is genetic and it's a disease and all this crap. OK PEOPLE. I'm allergic to milk.. I'm HIGHLY allergic to milk. I know that if i have milk i'm going to gain weight, my skin is going to freak out, and i'm going to vomit uncontrollably. So I'm not going to drink a glass of milk!! I chose to go on a lactose free diet to stay HEALTHY. If you know that you are "genetically at risk" to be obese  you'd think that these people would take certain measures to prevent against such massive weight gain.

This is the only country (that I know of) that considers itself "free" that claims homosexuality is a choice, but you can't choose to be fat. How fucking stupid. I'm not even going to bleep myself over this... this is fucking stupid!!!

Stop complaining and do something about it.. gaddamn!!


I finally got to see the Avengers with kjæresten and it was AWESOME.... that is all


Go Thor

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