Monday, May 28, 2012

Saving Money: The non BS way

I am so tired of watching the T.V. and seeing all these people who claim that if you follow their advice to the word that you will have millions in a few years.. That is horribly untrue and honestly these people need to go away

I've noticd that almost all of my posts are about something that makes me angry... 0.0

This kinda all stems from a video on youtube. It was a travel video Posted by Michelle Phan, and most of the comments were talking about how she is a rich snob who doesn't deserve what she has. What people don't realize is that she had to work to get the money that she has!! She didn't start out with all of this "money". She, like many others, started out with an idea, and she went with that idea. It just happened to work out for her. People started watching her videos, and they LIKE what she has to say. Sponsors began to take notice of this and they asked her if she would like to work for them. So guess waht guys SHE HAS A JOB!!

That is her big secret to having all her money. She got a job with makeup companies and they pay her to work for them.. WHAT A CONCEPT!?

How about all of you people complaining get up off your ass and do the same thing?!?!

Okokokok I need to give some ACTUAL advice now.

So let's say that you do have a job and there is this... pair of shoes (ahhh shoes) or for guys out there Diablo 3, but you can't afford it (whatever it is).

I actually learned this from an episode of friends, save 10% of whatever is on your paycheck, or allowance, or whatever, and put that into a pile, or super special secret account. Seriously saving isn't that difficult. It just takes a lot of time.

If you unfortunatly are a person like me and you always want to buy something pretty it makes saving difficult. So something weird I did was about a year ago I started saving change and I told meself that if I'm good for the whole year with not spending all of my money on clothes and random crap that I don't need all of the money that I have saved I will buy a new wardrobe or just new stuff.

It really is a simple goal and it honestly is working. Yes I have bad moments and buy clothing, but never have i bought something full price... I say that like it justifies spending money xD

My official mega ultra shopping trip is scheduled for mid August ^^

Yeah i know this wasn't very informative.... but saving money isn't complicated and you don't need to invest money in weird acounts. It just makes your life way more confusing and complicated.

Friday, May 25, 2012

I Saw A Movie!!! Chernobyl Diaries

This is probably the LAMEST title to an entry I could have come up with...

That is not the point of this though ^^ As you may have guessed I just saw the movie Chernobyl Diaries. I am a HUGE fan of the horror and suspense genre. I would pick a movie date to go see friggin Hostel or Saw than some chick flick. Yes I do watch girly movies as they are pretty funny and light-hearted, but something about horror movies inspires me.

Maybe I'm just a freak like that... Yeah I am a freak like that XD

Now I am not aspiring to call myself a movie critique in the slightest. I actually hate it when after a movie one of my friends starts analyzing the characters and historical value and crap like that. It's like seriously you can't just enjoy a movie for what it is?!?!

So yeah Chernobyl Diaries... what did I think:

1.) I honestly thought that it was more a suspense movie than a horror movie. There wasn't much gore, yeah people died but you never actually saw them die, and when they found dead people it wasn't just a pile of blood and guts. Siting through the movie I was more scared waiting for something to happen than when it actually did happen.
2.) There wasn't a whole lot of cursing like in usual rated R movies. The character's language was actually pretty tame compared to how I speak everyday 0.0 And if I were in such a situation everyother word out of my mouth would be vulgar.
3.) It had an unexpected ending, and I like that in a movie. Nothing ruins a movie like it being predictable. WHat was good about this one was that what I thought was going to happen was the exact opposite of what happened. Way to go writers!!
4.) A downside to the movie.. stupid people. You are in a radioactive town.... DO NOT RUN TOWARDS THE FRIGGIN NUCLEAR REACTORS!!!! seriously walk in the blody opposite direction to escape. How did they plan on escaping going to the exact spot where things are coming from... seriously.. IDIOTS

"My eyes burn"
"My sking burns!!!"
"Let's keep going.."


Overall though I would say you should go see this movie. Hell I'd even say you could see it with anyone 7+ years old, because honestly it is not that much of a rated R movie.

I also fel I should have some sort of rating system so for now i'm going to be unoriginal and give it a number out of 5

So officially i give Chernobyl Diaries:

Friday, May 18, 2012

50 Shades of Grey and So On..

Yes I have caved into the pressure. I wanted to see what all of the hype is about. Seriously there are hundreds of book out there like this already so why is this one so special??

Honestly It's not that different from anyother romance novel. Don't get me wrong it is a really good book! I love the story line and the character development. I may like it a little more since it is not mindless sex. I HATE going to read a novel for the stroy and page one BAME sexytime -.-

That really does get so annoying, But this one does not do that and I commend the author. I find that i actually like the characters (most of the time) Kate kind of annoys me sometimes being all... peppy.

Maybe one of the reasons I do really like the book is because I can relate. Christian and Ana remind me a little of me and Kjæresi (kjæresi and I... whatever!!). Not because of he has a bondage fettish... at least not that I know of 0.0 just that he has a bad past and stuff and things not goingtogointothatbecauseofpersonalreasons.

But yes... i wouldn't say that this book is "mommy porn" because it's really not. It's a very enjoyable book that no one really needs to be ashamed of reading.

hmmmm very short post ><

Friday, May 11, 2012

Something All Guys Need to Know..

So I was just doing some laundry when I came across one of kjæresten shirts, and I just can't stop smelling it!! I may be slightly obsessive about how he smells, but it's SUPER AMAZING!

Then I realized something.... There are quite a few guys out there that smell like shit.... Literally.

Besides kjæresi (I shortened it and made it cuter ^^ now pronounced sh-are-eh-shi) I also have a brother who is still a teenager. I have no clue what it is about teenage and young adult guys, but they think that they don't have to shower and can just spray this "Axe" stuff on them and they smell perfectly fine.

This is not true!!! Guys listen to me NOT TRUE.

You still smell very very bad.... It just now has a strange spicey musky scent added to the smell of feet and jock strap ><

Hygiene is something that everyone, not just guys, needs to pay attention to. People sweat, some more than others, and that has a odor. Now your body could just naturally have a funky smell to it, or how you smell can be affected by what you are eating. Typically young boys/men have a shitty diet.... so your going to smell bad. Deal with it (Or not in this case)

Since apparently some people out there need some help with the hygiene thing here is some advise.. ahem

1.) Take a shower at least once per day. If you do strenuous activities during the day (sports, hot sun, ect...) shower twice maybe three times. It doesn't have to be a long full on shower. Just hop in and rinse off.
2.) Deodorant.. It's a magical invention.... Use it
3.) In reference to the above tip.... apply more than once per day -.- and that body spray IS NOT DEODORANT!! if you do not physically apply to your smelly parts then it does no good.
4.) Cologne  is also a great invention. Might I recommend Ralph Lauren Blue... or the 1234 collection (not sure of the name)
4.) If your unsure of how you smell ASK. kjæresi has asked me before if he smells funny. It's a good thing to want to know the truth.

So guys if you get anything from this please PLEASE start to pay attention to personal hygiene. I know I didn't cover all of it. I left out bits about brushing your teeth.. I'm hoping though that you already do that... at least -.-

Giorgio Armani:

Ralph Lauren Polo blue:

Ralph Lauren Big Pony (<- just me or is that the FUNNIEST name for mens fragrence):

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

American obesity rate --- And The Avengers

On this rare occasion I was actually watching the news before i went to sleep, and the news-casters.. news people.... who ever they are kept talking about this new statistic that came out saying that something like 42-50% of americans will be obese to morbidly obese by the year 2030-ish.

Really this is just sad.

 HOW CAN YOU LET IT GET THIS BAD. It seems like this society just wants to complain about its problems, but they don't want to do anything about it! For example: In some European countries you are more likely to find a fruit stand or a small sandwitch shop outside your work instead of america where you cannot go more than 100 miles in any direction (unless you hit water or canadia) without seeing a mcdonalds.

"They" say that they don't understand waht the problem is.. REALLY... you don't know what the problem is???? hmmmmmmmm let's think about this.

In my opinion america was doomed from the start. To begin with, when y'all (look at me... look at this repulsive language) built these cities buildings are more spread out with room for more what?? CARS. People here drive EVERYWHERE. the grocery store is right around the corner... Oh let's drive!! Shops are conveniently placed inside malls that are in the middle of nowhere and the food options around these malls is ALL junk. Everythink is to spread out which just encourages driving which = LAZY

Next up is how terrible it is to buy food. Not just fast food Vs. a salade (there we go.. fancy language lol) I'm talking about regular grocery shopping. Now where I live you have 5 options of grocery stores. Save-A-Lot, Walmart, Publix, Target, and Whole Foods. Now Save-A-Lot has really cheap food... but it is all junk and none of it is this precious "organic". Walmart being much the same way. Publix and Target are pretty much the same thing offering a small selection of "good" foods. Then you have Whole Foods which is "top of the mountain food". Everything is organic and healthy and good for you, and all that fancy crap, BUT GUESS WHAT?!?! It's super expensive.

Everyone here is blind to the fact that depending on what social class you belong to you don't have these healthy options available to you. It's desgusting....

It's like america isn't putting up much of a fight in this round. The government here is claiming that obesity is genetic and it's a disease and all this crap. OK PEOPLE. I'm allergic to milk.. I'm HIGHLY allergic to milk. I know that if i have milk i'm going to gain weight, my skin is going to freak out, and i'm going to vomit uncontrollably. So I'm not going to drink a glass of milk!! I chose to go on a lactose free diet to stay HEALTHY. If you know that you are "genetically at risk" to be obese  you'd think that these people would take certain measures to prevent against such massive weight gain.

This is the only country (that I know of) that considers itself "free" that claims homosexuality is a choice, but you can't choose to be fat. How fucking stupid. I'm not even going to bleep myself over this... this is fucking stupid!!!

Stop complaining and do something about it.. gaddamn!!


I finally got to see the Avengers with kjæresten and it was AWESOME.... that is all


Go Thor

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Grow Hair Faster o.0??

I honestly never thought it would be possible, but I think I have found a product that works. First a little back story though:

About three years ago I decided that I would look great with platinum blonde hair. So off i went to the beauty supply store and grabbed some random bleach packets and developer. When I got home that day I slathered my hair in bleach and left it on for.. oh.... an hour or so. Instead of turning my hair blonde it came out some weird... yellowish.. orangeish color. So like any sane person I bleached it again the next day, and when it still wasn't blonde enough, I bleached it again a few days later.

My scalp was destroyed, my hair was fried, and when I still didn't like it I just dyed it purple ><

It was bad.. very very bad. so bad in fact i have permanatly erased all docuentation that the event ever happened.

You get the point though that my hair had become permanatly damaged. It actually stopped growing for a while there, and mostly just fell out. I had bald patches and what was left was frizzy and gross. I cut all of it of and had to start growing from scratch thinking that it will never grow long again. Well....

About three months ago I was at Marshall's and i went to the beauty section (the one by my work has a HUGE beauty section!!). I saw this stuff that claims that it helps hair grow. I checked out the ingredients and it contains copious ammounts of Vitamin E which if you read in my hair mask post is VERY good for your hair.

It was only $10 so I got it and have been using it twice a wek for the past 3 months aaannnnndddd....

Almost 3 inches of growth!!!

The red was done at the end of January and that weird black brown color is ... well.. my real hair color >< which I HATE

And its all thanks to this

I thought I was going to have to use that Rogain shizz

Now there are some down-sides to this. You should use it overnight since it makes your hair super oily and it had a weird planty smell. I use it the days before I wash my hair.

Other than that there really isn't anything else wrong with it! it's amazing!! and I LOVE it!!!

I know you can get this product on Ebay and Amazon, though I'm not sure of how much some people are selling it for. If you can though definatly give this a try