Sunday, May 26, 2013

Star Wars Weekends: Take 1

OK so It has been made common knowledge that I am a nerd. When I use the term nerd I go by what John Green said in one of his videos:
“…because nerds like us are allowed to be unironically enthusiastic about stuff… Nerds are allowed to love stuff, like jump-up-and-down-in-the-chair-can’t-control-yourself love it. Hank, when people call people nerds, mostly what they’re saying is ‘you like stuff.’ Which is just not a good insult at all. Like, ‘you are too enthusiastic about the miracle of human consciousness’.”
Just clarifying that for anyone who will bitch about my use of the term "NERD".
I went to Star Wars Weekends!! It was so Awesome and I had some super awesome moments!!
First of all I LOVE Star Wars. Mostly the original trilogy. 1,2 and 3, I don't really like and I DO NOT watch the clone wars... I'm a hardcore original trilogist (Making up words now!) and my greatest love through all of the movies are the Storm Troopers. I find them awesome and hilarious! My whole outfit for the even was storm trooper themed... Including my headphones of awesomeness.
The opening of the event!! They used to have Storm Troopers that would walk on top of the entrance to the park... But that's no more... sad face
I see what you did there *wink* *wink*
They had a character meet and greet inside the merch shop. It rotated between Luke Leia C3PO and I'm not sure of they had R2. R2 used to appear with C3PO but we no see him.
I had to block out my friends face out of respect for her privacy.... So shut up.
Some random Aurra walking on da streets like a badass!
At the center of the park they put up a stage and at various times throughout the day they would have characters go out and perform. We happened to walk by when Bobba Fett was on. Something really cool that happened, he noticed all my Storm Trooper gear and pointed at me and talked to me! I know he is on a recording but still!!! AND I have proof!!
Then THIS money shot while we were waiting in line for the photo opp. Another good story... The same Bobba Fett that was on the stage was the one we took the picture with !!!. AND he pointed at my shirt and headphones! BEST THING EVAR!
In the imperial zone they had Storm Troopers that would just walk around on the street. They were in a rotation so they were always out there. Same thing with the Clone Troopers and HOT DAMN DID THEY LOVE ME!!!
The guy's face is SOOO EPIC!! I also love how the Trooper looks like he is confused hehe
Another wonderful photobomb from the guy in the red!
We saw this as we were walking around. The little Troopers are brother and sister and the little Jedi is unrelated xD But look at the epicness!!!!

A wonderful transition picture!
As we were in the line to see Vader (It was an hour and a half long) me and my friend got the bright idea to do something that we have never seen been done..... We knelt to Vader!! The WHOLE line started freaking out and taking pictures of us!! we glanced up at Vader and he was looking around confused, but I think he pulled off a good pimp stance.
Yes we went on Star Tours... Only once though because we both get motion sick.
On the way to the other park we got to ride the Ironman monorail!
That was the end of our day at the event. We did go to some of the other parks, but this is a post for Star Wars.... which is awesome... Just saying...
I love you...
...I know.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Costom Shoes: R2-D2 Toms

I thought I would share something cool that I have been working of for the past week.
So at the pole dance studio I go to (Post for another time eh?) I noticed one of the instructors had a pair of shoes that had comic booms and pows on them. I thought they were really cool. When I asked her about them she said that she really wanted them to do batman shoes but the place she went to can't paint copyrighted material.
I paint as a hobby. Never really intended to take that anywhere, but I told her that if she really wanted them then I could do it. She just stared at me for a good few minutes. She didn't believe me and so I showed her some of my art. She got super excited and just started listing shoes she wanted.
FINALLY she came up with she really wanted R2-D2 shoes since Disney's Star Wars weekends was coming up. I told her I would do it if she got me the shoes.... and good lord she actually did...
So .... I painted them and here they are start to finish...:
It started out with a sketch how did it end up like this (Musical notes here)
Yeah so I basically traced the top and side of the shoe and drew out what it would look like..
A better picture
AAAANNNNDD here we go!!
Look at those smexy things!
Almost there guyz
And this is the (almost) finished product. I added some detail after this picture was taken. I also will include a photo of the detail as well...
My Tumblr in the background lolol
And that's the detail photo. I also put my name on the tag on the back but that's not important.
I'm actually pleasantly surprised at how well they turned out. I know someone will find flaws in them. Don't worry I already have. They aren't' perfect and there is no way to get them perfect so I'm not to worried about that. All I care about is that the person who will be wearing them is happy with them.
I don't know If I will be doing them for anyone else... I have had people tell me that they want me to make them some and... I mean I could.... I dunno.
I'll put this out there if anyone is interested shoot me an Email at:
No this is not my personal email, just a side one I'm setting up to see if people would really be interested in this.
NOTE: This post will be updated when I get a picture of the girl wearing the shoes :)

Friday, May 10, 2013

Abusive Relationships Part Deux

This Is probably one if the hardest things for me to admit... After almost two and a half years being with John I had to end it. I didn't want to admit it to myself at the time, but he was abusive. I pretended that everything was perfectly fine and even made excuses for his behavior..... but that was wrong of me to do.
Ladies... Gentlemen... I hope that none of you have to go through what I did.
I haven't really blogged anything for almost a year, because I didn't have my own life for that long. Things in the beginning were perfectly fine.... But then I guess he slowly took control. (OK yes I did just go on his facebook..... I'm horrible).
I didn't really think anything was wrong until he asked me to move in with him. That wasn't the thing that set it off. It was that when he asked me to move in he told me that if we live together then we have to get married, because HIS PARENTS said that if he lives with a girl then there better be a ring on her finger. As I was driving home that night I was in tears. I could not spend the rest of my life with someone like him.
If you are in the same thing that I was YOU CAN GET OUT! You do have a choice to leave. I know it's hard because that person has made you feel like you are nothing without them. I am telling you now that is not true! You are a strong person, you don't need someone like that in your life! They don't deserve you! It took me over two years to realize that, and did it still hurt when I made the phone call to break it off
I know someone is going to think I'm a huge bitch for doing it over the phone, but think of this. When you are with someone who is that manipulating you simply cannot be around them in person. It's much harder because then they quite literally have more control over you.
In these situations breaking up over a text or phone call does not.. I repeat NOT... make you a coward. It makes you strong for being able to leave a toxic relationship.
You deserve to be happy. You deserve to be with someone who will always bet here for you when you need them. Someone to hold you when you feel sad. I'm not just talking to girls. There are men out there who are with a woman who is ... evil. You can get out. You don't need her to live, and women you don't need him.
Be strong <3 I love you all!

What is Up World!

A lot has happened to me in the past year. Most of it having to do with a very horrible break up, which we will get to later. After spring of 2012 I left school... Which was a HORRIBLE mistake!! Now I am back at my university and trying to get back into the habit of... Doing things XP (ICK).
I don't even know where to start with the whole story!! I do apologize for the skipping around. Sorry.
MEGACON 2013!!!!
Yes I went to Megacon 2013 and it was AMAZING!!! Bloody brilliant!! Made a few new friends and looked like this:
(Oh yeah I'm the taller one!)
It was WONDERFUL! But I'll post more pictures of that later.
I've also gotten more into my obsession with comics and certain T.V. series... Mostly Sherlock, Game of Thrones, Batman TAS, Amazing Spiderman.... and so forth. Really if I named them all this would turn into a very long and boring post indeed! Not that it isn't already.
I have also decided to change what I post about. Originally I wanted this to be mostly an advice kind of thing, and I still would like to do that, but I have discovered that I am horribly obsessed with everything that is super hero. So This may start being geared more towards the nerdy side of life.
P.S. ... That Abercrombie dude is an asshole!!