Monday, October 22, 2012

Abusive Relationships

One of the hardest things for any man or woman to admit is that they are in an abusive relationship. They think that others will think less of them for being in such a relationship, yet at the same time they are afraid to do anything about it because of the abuser. It's a horrible mental state to be in, and it leaves you feeling terrified and alone.
Abuse is most common with women. Yes their are men who are abuse by women, but I will get to that later. Women are abuse more than men because how we are viewed as the weaker sex. I'm not going to say that we are. However I will say that we are the more emotional, and therefore easier to manipulate... sorry girls.
In the beginning of the relationship the guy comes off as just the perfect man. He dresses well, he has that confidence that seeps from every pore, and he treats you well enough. You go to nice places, he buys you things, and he woo's you. (Woo is a bloody awful word..). It actually takes a while for him to start whatever form of abuse he uses, and you won't always catch on! It's may start as just a comment, or a small tap on the back of the head. He is testing to see what he can get away with. If she doesn't say anything or do anything about it, it just gets worse from their. Eventually, most likely a year or so into the relationship the woman is terrified and has no clue what happened or what to do.
So, what do you do? Honestly I have no idea. Yes I was in an abusive relationship for 2 years, but I was not the one who ended it. (He actually knocked up the 14 year old he was cheating on me with...). I know there are places like Harbor House, and I tried going to them or help.. I'm sorry but they didn't help at all. Maybe it was because I was young that the woman didn't think I needed help. Whatever the reason she was horribly rude and condescending. If you are looking to get out of an abusive relationship your best bet is to just go to your family and tell them what is going on.
Yes it will be difficult to admit everything, but you have to understand that you did nothing to deserve any of it. Your family will want to help and protect you in any way they can. The important thing is that you are going to have to learn to move on. Your not going to be able to trust men again for a long time, and depending on what happened you might possibly even be afraid to be around people. I'm not going to sit here and say once you leave life will be sunshine and rainbows.
It's taken me almost three years now to get my life back to a semi-normal state. I've finally found a good guy, and I'm even partially able to trust him. Things will get better, you just have to really work for it.
Now for the guys. I'm not sure how to talk about this one since I am a girl. I do have a guy friend who was abuse by a girl, and lemme just say... GIRLS ARE BITCHES! trust me DO NOT let us walk all over you because there is no going back from that. Once we are given the freedom to do whatever we want.. we will do whatever we want. End of story. Men you have been warned.
It's not just an adult thing too There are a lot of younger kids who are in abusive relationships. With the newer generation what you are seeing is a lot more peer pressure, and mental abuse. One partner wants to do... adult things 0.0 and the other does not. Please parents, don't think any less of your child if they come to you and say they have been abused. It can happen.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Ghost Hunters Supernatural and Halloween Horror Nights 22!!

Yes it is October so YES I am going to do the typical haunting and Halloween shtuffs.
I HAVE to put it out there that Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday, it's kjæresi's favorite holiday as well (hence the reason he is an actor at Halloween horror nights... figures huh?) I love the whole spooky supernatural everything. I love shows like The Walking Dead and even now I am watching up on season 3 of Ghost Hunters International. Another good show I HIGHLY recommend is a show called Destination Truth. That one deals more with cryptozoology than ghosts.
I do think that there is a chance for a zombie apocalypse. Seriously it is possible. You never know exactly what scientists are creating in there super secret underground laboratories.... Zombies... get with it ... yo
Yeah ok I'm to white to pull that off.
So Halloween Horror Nights 22 Time! I cannot include a lot of pictures because there are people in them that I have no clue if they wold be ok with me posting their faces. so yersh.. Oh and I will also not post a picture of kjæresi in costume. 1 because you can still tell it's him and 2... he kinda has a stalker >.<
So the last picture isn't of the actual event.... but me and my friend who I went with loved the view that we got so we took the picture.
My award for best house goes to....:
Sorry PJ!! (my friend that works in the gothic house) gothic is good visually but this one is not only visual but the actors were definitely doing their best! I actually got scared in this one. people coming up through the floors down from the ceilings and there is a bit in a greenhouse that i tried to run through because it was freaky!
The Walking Dead house was ok... more of a visual thing along with the Silent Hill house. More to appease the fan base than to actually scare.
Best music though I have to say goes to Alice Cooper!! The house is OBVIOUSLY there to promote his album -.- because all you hear in line is well... Alice Cooper. I shouldn't complain because I enjoy his stuff.
The House of Horrors I don't actually remember. Not sure if that is good or bad. It was the first house we did and we were the first people in the house itself so that's probably the reason.
The last one we did was Penn and Teller. I didn't really like this one. I can't use 3D glasses. Whenever I do I start to feel sick so I didn't get to use that effect in the house. Secondly Penn narrate the whole thing -.-. No offense dude but maybe if you shut up and just let the people walk through without telling them what everything is.
If you are one of the zombies outside of the walking dead house y'all could be a bit more.. zombie like. You didn't go after anyone. Y'all just kinda walked around grunting with your fake body parts. Vampire group you guys are awesome! (maybe I'm a little biased but hey... they were)
If you are in Orlando I suggest you go! Everyone has to do it at least once.
For you jesus people who think Halloween is a "devil" holiday.. Y'all can just suck it ^-^

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Being Sick and Hiddles

I would say that it has been a while, but it hasn't actually been that long.
I have been on and off sick for the past like... month xP. It sucks because everyone at work is sick and kjæresi's whole family has been sick for a while now (both of his parents are teachers... kids get sick they get sick they pass it on to everyone else.
I said I would post pictures of my Halloween Horror nights adventures and I will. I went once during the first week it opened, but it gets better as it goes on so ima go with kjæresi later on. Since he is one of the actors he doesn't actually get days off from the event =/ which really kinda sucks.
It is pretty good though. I don't actually get scared that easily. I go because I like the set designs and the costumes and all that. which are pretty good this year I must say. The silent hill house was very good visually. (The actors in the house don't do much though) The best house BY FAR is the Dead End house. I actually tensed up a little in that one xD
It also helps that one of the street groups consists of very nice looking... muscle-y man type peoples.... So yeah... That's a thing ;)
Let's see what else has happened?
I have become completely obsessed with The Walking Dead and Once Upon A Time. OMG two of the best shows evar!!! So good, and so bloody addicting. Unfortunately I'm only able to watch what is on Netflix. Amazing invention Netflix.. If they hadn't lost their starz contract it might be better -.- but still.
In super awesome fun time news I totally bought the Avengers, and let me say. I LOVE ME SOME HIDDLES
He embodies manliness
Those eyes... That hair. THE BRITISHNESS!!
I may or may not have a thing for British dudes. Hey kjæresi is Irish. We all have our weird things that we like. Mine happens to be slender, tall, awesome British guys..