Sunday, April 29, 2012

DIY Avocado Hair Mask

I've been blogging quite a bit lately. Not that I'm complaining about it, I enjoy doing this, but I havn't really put any useful information on here. So a quick story:

I’ve been looking for some homemade hair treatments that I can use to help my hair grow faster and stronger. Due to an unfortunate phase that I went through a few years ago it has never been quite the same. In short it needs a LOT of TLC.
To my surprise a website that I visited suggested that I use a mashed up avocado as a deep conditioner. Firstly.. I don’t like avocados: the taste, the smell, the consistency; Just not good.

Needles to say I was HIGHLY skeptical.
Upon looking into it further I found out that (unfortunately) avocados are VERY good for your hair. They are high in vitamins B and E, which work at the cellular level to protect and strengthen hair.
Vitamin B is essential for hair growth. They help the body process proteins and fats, which are both used when your hair is growing.
Vitamin E is a little more interesting. It was not though to actually help hair at all, but recently it has been found that it helps repair damage and the scalp itself. Vitamin E caused capillary growth which will increase blood circulation to the scalp, WHICH will aid in growth.
To much sciency stuff for me to handle right now ><  the important thing is that if I mash up that nasty green thing and put it in my hair it will help it grow…..

So I did it. I mixed myself a nice hair concoction of ½ of an avocado and 2 tbs olive oil mushed it all together and smeared it in my hair…

After about 20min I washed my hair like normal aaannnnnddd
 Yup... it feels soft. It’s all shiny and pretty ^^
I know I’m going to have to do it a few more time to get lasting results, but it will take me a long while to get used to the smell.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Norway Sings!


Just when I was starting to worry about them they came back and showed me just how amazing they can be.

As most of you know a man name Anders Breivik killed approximatly 77 people in two different "terrorist" attacks. He has dedicate his life to warn Norway against multiculturalism.

Well sir your plans have bee foiled!!!!

On the 26th of April over 40,000 Norwegians gathered in Oslo Square (not far from where he was on trial for murder) and they began singing. Not just any song, but a specific song that Anders says is used to brainwash children into believing that multiculturalism is a good thing.

The song (children of the rainbow) is a Norwegian version of the American song "My Rainbow Race".

The people that gathered also marched down to the court house to place flowers in memory of the people that Anders killed. Even Ministers from other scandinavian countries (Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, and the Faroe Islands) joined in on the singing.

It is amazing to me that people can show up in such force for a cause such as this. All of them proved that just because this horrible man is getting so much attention you don't have to pay attention to the bad. They all came together to remember the people, mostly children, who died. People who have never met each other, and even come from different countries sang together.

I hope they made Anders watch that. I hope he can see that all of his planning was for nothing. Those children didn't die in vain. They have helped bring together a nation of amazing people.

...Gå og fortell, går fortelle alle de små barna.
Fortell alle mødre og fedre også.
er vår siste sjanse til å lære å dele
Hva er blitt gitt til meg og deg...

I Need a New Car >=[

Normally I love shopping. A friends wil lcall me up and say "hey let's go buy some shit we don't need" and I'm all over that. The only shopping I HATE is car shopping. Those people are ruthless!!

They do everything they can to try and get you to buy some piece of crap car that cost millions and millions of dollars. For the past four days now I've been dragging my father and kjæresten with me to look at different cars. I'm trying to find a decent used one that will last me at least four years....

Just saying though this bloody SUCKS!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Why Final Exams Shouldn't Exist...

Final exams are terrible terrible things that should just not be a thing. Seriously, it's bad enough that we have to take regular exams. If i pass that one then you can assume that I know the information, you don't have to test me on it again at a later date! Then that second test is 50% of my grade!!

This is to much, and I'm sure other people would agree with me on this. The only thing that comes out of this is that students develop insomnia and gain 20 lbs. I have never drunk this much coffee and energy drinks in my life!!! I'm going have have one hell of a caffine addiction after this semster...

All-nighters are the worst too. Just when you think you've studied enough you get that one email from somone in your class telling you that they heard from someone else in another class time that this one thing that you though wasn't on the test is actually going to be on the test (I almost cried reading this email...). Now you have to stay up half the night to try and releard something you were happy to never have to deal with again.


This is my math study guide... over 50 pages of notes..... that is crazy!

My writing portfolio. This one didn't bother me to much since I actually like writing. Plus for english class you don't actually have to take a test. All S have to do is turn in my portfolio and my final essay and I'm done. Easiest final exam EVAR.

I only have two other classes.. and one of them is drawing xD Drawing and Astronomy... not to difficult. Just freakin math...

I HATE math.. H..A..T..E.

I don't think I've mentioned it before, but I am a History and Political Science major. So math is definatly NOT my thing. I like old stuff... Old stuff and learning about how countries work. War... war is fun too lol. Not fun like a good thing. I'd rather there not be war, but since there has been wars I like learning about them.

Enough of school stuff... School is boring to talk about.

SO Adios for now... I think you spell it adios.... I'm not positive 0.0 I don't speak a word of spanish. That's a post for another time though ;)

Oh look.. it's me ^^

Friday, April 20, 2012

I Friggin LOVE Target!!

So my place of work is conveniently located next to one of my favorite stroes EVER! Seriously Target has everything you could ever need, and it's surprisingly good quality as well. Yes they may not have quite as big a selections as some people might like but still... If your in a hurry for a last minute party outfit and gift.. BAM Target.

So besides the lve rant I have a little mini haul of some summer things that I just got. Not to much, but the best part? All for under $100 ^^ a success in my books.

Some of my Target shtuffs... plus a random bathing suit that kjæresten picked out for me.

V-Neck T -- $9!!
It was in the men's section... but still

Shorts on sale -- $15 Per pair

Strapless bra -- SALE $8!!

Ultimate push-up bra -- SALE $11
(it's the same thing as the victoria secret bombshell. Just not as much ridiculous padding, and comfy as hell)

Somethings that you don't need a picture of:
2-pairs of socks -- $3
Knotted bracelet -- $1.50


kjæresten's bathing suit for me... never had a one-piece before, but he swears that it looks great on me so.... we'll see
Wet Seal-- $30

I decided to try out a JC perfume. It's not bad... but my Vera Wang will always have first place in my heart <3

Marshals-- $22

See tiny mini haul. Not much in this one... Maybe I'll have a bigger haul soon... hahaha NAHHHHH

Friday, April 6, 2012

This Skinny Thing Sucks!

I seriously thought it was going to be easy.... Why can't losing weight be easy! Why does it have to be so damn difficult >:(

It doesn't help that I'm apparently addicted to caffeine. I didn't know that could happen?!?! For my whole weight loss binge I stopped drinking soda and coffee thinking everything would be just fine. Then a few days ago i started getting migranes and I just couldn't stay awake and I constantly feel like shit. After three days with this I went to my friend who is a nurse and asked him what the hell is going on with me.

He already knew that I was on the diet, so from there he deduced that I am suffereing from caffeine withdrawls. I kinda really didn't believe him at first, but i googled it (because google knows everything), and apparently it is a thing. The best part is that most peopl (especially Americans) are addicted to Caffeine.

So like quitting any drug I'm having to go through a withdrawl period.... And it bloody sucks! Everything hurts! I'm always tired and I can't sleep, and i can't bloody keep my mind focused on anything.... Most of the websites that I've been reading from say that it takes anywhere from 6-14 days for the symptoms to completly go away.

(I'm a pirate)

That's a long time to have to live with this. I'm really hoping that mine last more on the 6 day schedule. 14 days and i might have to jump off a building. Any longer than that and I will have one of my friends bash my head into a wall.

I'm still going to stick to the diet though. I want to look good for the summer swimsuit season (an alliteration that I love)


Hvil i fred...
(rest in peace)

Monday, April 2, 2012

Bored... Bored........ BOOREDDD

One of the worst things about colege is having to write research papers... seriously the WORST THING EVAR! I have nothing against writing. It's one of my favorite things to do actually. Just in research papers you don't usually get to choose your topic. It has to meet specific requirements on a specific topic, and have a specific number of words or pages.

Anyways... yeah... this post has no meaning.... just me.. ranting... on having to write 15 pages on something that I could honestly care less about.

So yeah.. that happened